Home remedies for yellow Teeth, Natural Treatment of Yellow Teeth at Home
Home remedies for yellow Teeth

1.Holy Basil

The leaves of holy basil have whitening properties and can also protect your teeth from problems such as pyorrhea, an advanced form of periodontal disease.
Put a few leaves of holy basil in the sun for a few hours. When the leaves are dry, grind them into powder form. Mix the powder with your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth.
Another option is to make a paste of holy basil leaves and mustard oil and then use it to clean your teeth.

Lemon is known for its immune-boosting power, antibacterial, and healing properties. Lemon is not only used for skin diseases, but also used for whitening teeth. Take out the juice of lemon and mix it with some water. Rinse your mouth with this water.
Else, scrub your teeth directly with lemon peel to make them white.
Another way is to add some salt in a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on stained teeth. Now, rub toothpaste over your teeth and gums. Leave it for a few minutes. After sometime, rinse your mouth with normal water. Practice it twice a day to prevent teeth from yellow stains.
3.Hydrogen Peroxide

The mild bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide can help make yellow teeth white again.
Rinse and gargle with a mouthwash that has hydrogen peroxide. Make sure not to swallow the hydrogen peroxide.
You can also make a paste of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and gently brush your teeth with it. Later, brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste.
Use hydrogen peroxide with extra caution as it can cause irritation of the gums and make your teeth sensitive.

Apple helps in increasing the production of saliva. It also helps in maintaining a fresh and clean breath. Eat one apple a day to remove stains from teeth. It is to be kept in mind that apple should be chewed properly in order to extract malic acid. The fibres help in removing the stains.

Strawberries contain a good amount of vitamin C, which helps make your teeth whiter.
Grind a few strawberries into a paste. Rub the paste on your teeth gently. If done twice daily for a few weeks, the yellow tinge on your teeth will vanish.
Another option is to mix the pulp of one strawberry with one-half teaspoon of baking soda and spread the mixture onto your teeth and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth with toothpaste to get rid of any residue.

Salt is the easily available ingredient at home. It is considered to be the best dental cleansing agent for teeth whitening. It helps in refilling the lost minerals of teeth and regain whiteness. Salt can be used as a tooth powder to clean teeth.Salt can also be used with charcoal to whiten teeth.You can also add some salt with baking soda and rub it carefully on teeth to reduce the yellow stains.
7.Brushing and flossing

"Brush your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes each. Ensure your brush has soft/medium bristles that don't damage the gum. A lot of Indians don't take flossing too seriously but its time they did. Flossing can improve all stains overtime, especially the ones between your teeth."
8.Banana Peel

Banana is rich in nutrients. In fact, banana peels also possesses minerals, like magnesium, manganese, and potassium. These minerals are helpful in penetrating into teeth and whiten them. Rub the banana peel on teeth for 2 minutes. Leave it for 15 minutes. After that, brush your teeth with normal toothpaste. Repeat this process for two or three times a week.
9.Baking soda
Mix very little baking soda with water and pour it over your tooth brush before you start brushing. Or apply it using your finger tips and leave it on for about 1 minute. Baking soda can work wonders for your teeth but be sure to use it sparingly or it can erode the enamel.
10. Margosa (neem leaves)

You can also use neem or margosa to enjoy white, healthy teeth. Due to the astringent and antiseptic properties, regular use of margosa oil also helps get rid of bad breath and prevents dental cavities.
You can use margosa twigs as a toothbrush to brush your teeth. Chewing margosa branches also helps tackle teeth problems and remove yellow discoloring.
You can also mix margosa oil with your regular toothpaste and then brush your teeth.
Along with these remedies, you need to practice regular oral hygiene to enjoy positive results. If you do not get good results, you can consult a dentist.
Home remedies for yellow Teeth, Natural Treatment of Yellow Teeth at Home
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni