Amazing Home Remedies For Goiter, Home Remedies For Goiter
Home Remedies For Goiter

Fortunately, there are many possible ways to treat the goiter very effectively. You can use any of these below mentioned natural and easy processed home remedies to cure goiter and also to prevent its re-occurrence.
1.Dandelion Leaves Remedy for Goiter
Dandelion is a very useful herb and is used for home remedies for various diseases, usually in form of tea. For goiter. remedy, dandelion leaves are used in paste form along with clarified butter (ghee) to reduce the swelling in neck region due to enlarged thyroid gland. Usage of ghee or clarified butter must have made it clear that this is also one of the Ayurvedic remedies for goiter.
Get this
Dandelion leaves- handful of them
Ghee (clarified butter)- 2 tbsp
Do this:
Crush the dandelion leaves to make a paste. If needed, you can use a little water.
Now mix this dandelion leaves paste with clarified butter.
Heat this mixture of ghee and dandelion paste to make it lukewarm, don’t let it become hot.
Apply the lukewarm dandelion leaves- ghee paste over your neck region where you can feel the swollen area.
Leave for about 15-20 minutes
Do this daily for at least 2 weeks.
2.Pineapple for Goiter

Pineapple is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can help with the symptoms of goiter, particularly the coughing. Make pineapples a part of your everyday diet and you’ll see a difference pretty soon.
3.Sorrel Leaves for Treating Goiter

Sorrel leaves, also called spinach dock, can not only be used for making soups, salads and sauces but also to treat goiter. The way of using these leaves is similar to that of the other two remedies we have discussed above- in paste form.
Get this:
Sorrel leaves- a handful of them
Olive oil- 2 tbsp
Do this:
Crush the sorrel leaves to make a paste.
Add olive oil to this paste and mix well.
Apply this paste on your neck.
Leave for about 15-20 minutes.
Wash off with water and pat dry.
Whenever you apply some paste on your neck, you should lie down and then apply the paste to keep it in place. If you do not keep your self in this position, you may not get the benefit as the paste will fall off
4.Barley Water for Goiter

Drink barley water once a day to reduce the swelling and alleviate other symptoms. Barley is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants that build up the body’s immunity and help fight diseases. Barley water also cleanses toxins from the body.
5.Garlic for Goiter

Gale Maleskey who is a nutritional therapist, is of the view that garlic decreases swelling of your neck caused by enlarged thyroid gland. He recommends eating garlic at least thrice a week. Many other researches have also supported garlic as beneficial in treating thyroid problems. There are many plant chemicals that act as antioxidants and in maintaining body cell functions. Many studies have shown that garlic extracts, especially the aged garlic extract, increase production of glutathione. Glutathione is a molecule which is important in maintaining a healthy status of thyroid hormone. So, include garlic in your diet. Here are some ways that you can imply for eating garlic for overall health.
Ways to eat garlic
Chew 3-4 raw garlic cloves in the morning.
Add raw garlic with tomatoes, onion, olive oil to make your own salsa.
Add minced raw garlic with lemon juice, and parsley to make salad dressing.
Sprinkle raw minced garlic on buttered toast.
Add garlic to mashed avocados to make a delicious dip
Add minced garlic to your sauces.
Use garlic in mashed potatoes.
Make tea with garlic, honey and lemon
Amazing Home Remedies For Goiter, Home Remedies For Goiter
Reviewed by JACK