How to Get Glossy Lips at Home, How to get Shiny Pink lips

Glossy Lips at Home

Home made natural remedy to get shiny pink lips. Everybody wants se#y shiny pink lips. We can get these lips by following some of the easy home made recipes. Here I listed some of the home made beauty tips for pink lips.

1.Cream and saffron remedy

Take 1 tsp. milk, 1tsp. milk cream and add few strand of saffron in it. Mix all the ingredients together and store it in the fridge. When cool apply it on your lips and clean it off with a cotton pad.

2.Lemon Juice

Get soft and pinky lips by applying lemon juice. Gently roll the lemon juice on your lips. Lemon bleaches the skin therefore it exfoliates the lip skin. Get it done regularly. Scratch your lips mildly by drizzling juice over lips. Get glossy lips when followed persistently.

3.Carrot juice

Like beetroot juice the carrot juice also gives a similar benefit to the lips. Take a carrot juice in small bowl. Soak the cotton pad in the juice and apply to the lips. Apply continuously when your lips get dry. The vitamins in carrot juice will add color to your rosy lips.

4.Rose Petals & Butter

Smash rose petals and blend with butter. Apply this rich paste on lips. Mildly Massage lips and get wondered of rosy lips after some days. Continue this treatment for two times a week. The pink stain present in rose lessens the darkness of lips.

5.Peel of orange

Are you throwing the orange peel after eating orange? Do you know how it is useful for your lips? Orange peel treats the dark looking lips by giving extra brightness. Sure your lips will blush like anything. Rub the orange peel on lips for two minutes and check the results.

How to Get Glossy Lips at Home, How to get Shiny Pink lips How to Get Glossy Lips at Home, How to get Shiny Pink lips Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 06:58:00 Rating: 5