How to get rid of ink stains on clothes

how to get rid of ink stains on clothes

Hairspray: Put a paper towel under the stain first then apply hairspray to the stain. Hairspray will cause the ink to dissolve, making it easier to wash the ink out of the material. Spray liberally until the stain is saturated with hairspray, then blot with a damp cloth (do not rub). Repeat application and blotting until the stain lifts, then wash. Be sure that you have gotten all the ink out before you dry the washed garment in a dryer, because the heat of a dryer will set the stain.

Milk: To remove ink stains from colored clothes, an overnight milk bath will often do the trick. Just soak the affected garment in milk overnight and launder as usual the next day.

Toothpaste: This may or may not work, depending on the fabric and the ink, but put non-gel toothpaste on the stain and rub the fabric vigorously together. Rinse with water. Were you able to remove some of the ink? Great! Repeat the process a few more times until you get rid of all the ink. Note: The same process works for lipstick.

How to get rid of ink stains on clothes How to get rid of ink stains on clothes Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 06:20:00 Rating: 5