Home Remedies for Scabies

Home Remedies for Scabies

Curing scabies is rather easy with the administration of prescription scabicide drugs. There are no approved over-the-counter preparations that have been proved to be effective in eliminating scabies. The following steps should be included in the treatment of scabies

1. Neem Oil  for Scabies

Neem oil is a botanical pesticide used to treat many skin problems including scabies. It contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that help eliminate bacteria and fungus trapped in the skin. The smell of neem oil prevents scabies from reproducing, which can greatly shorten the duration of the problem.
Apply pure neem oil directly on the affected area and massage gently until the oil penetrates deep into the skin. Wait a few minutes and then take a bath. Do this once daily for several weeks to prevent the infection from spreading.
Make an antiseptic cream by combining two ounces each of neem oil with an equal amount of freshly ground turmeric powder. Apply the cream on the affected area two or three times a day. This homemade cream helps soothe itching and speeds up the healing process.

2.Lavender Oil  for Scabies

Pure lavender oil promotes skin cell regeneration and kills parasites like mites that cause scabies.
Add five drops of pure lavender oil to warm bath water. Soak in this bath water for at least 15 minutes. This will help soothe the skin and provide some relief from the itching. Do this once daily for a few weeks.
Mix equal amounts of pure lavender oil and rubbing alcohol. Apply it on the affected area and massage gently so that it penetrates and saturates the skin. This will help kill the mites and their eggs. Do this twice daily to speed up the healing process.

3.Wash all towels and bedding in hot water

Wash bedding daily until you’ve not seen new bumps for at least a week.Wear disposable gloves when stripping beds.
If you have a heavy comforter, you can place it in a airtight bag for 72 hours.
Dry clothing and bedding in a hot dryer or on the clothesline in hot weather under direct sunlight. Dry cleaning is also appropriate.
Put blankets in the dryer before bed every night until you're certain the infestation has ceased.

4.Turmeric  for Scabies

Turmeric is a wonder herb with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can greatly relieve the symptoms of scabies.
Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon juice and water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the affected skin and leave it on for about an hour. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily until you notice significant improvement.
Mix one teaspoon each of turmeric and neem powder. Add some water to form a smooth paste. Dab the paste on the affected areas and let it dry on its own. After it has dried, take a bath or shower to wash it off. Repeat this once daily.

5.Bleach  for Scabies
Bleach is another popular home remedy for scabies as it helps kill mites.
Mix together one part of bleach and four parts of water.
Spray this solution on the affected area twice daily.
Repeat the process for a few days.

6.Some help to Scabies
 If possible, arrange for someone else to cook meals and do any cleaning work requiring washing etc. over the next day. This will ensure that you can get the best impact from the treatment. Scabies medication can be negatively affected if you get water on your skin by washing dishes or preparing food.
If you live alone, try some pre-made meals that are ready to heat and eat. Wash items in the dishwasher or use disposable options until you're able to use water freely again.
If you do get water on your skin, reapply the medication to affected areas immediately

7.white vinegar 

The acidic nature of white vinegar changes the pH level of the skin. It has been found that any change in the pH level causes mites to die.
Mix equal amounts of white vinegar and water thoroughly in a bowl.
Using a cotton ball, apply the solution on the affected skin.
Leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Home Remedies for Scabies Home Remedies for Scabies Reviewed by JACK on 02:01:00 Rating: 5