Beauty Tips for Diwali, Tips and Tricks For Glowing Skin in Diwali , 7 Beauty Tips for Diwali

Diwali Tips

While you spruce up your home and shop till you drop in these hectic days before Diwali, do spend some time on yourself too. Remember to drink water to keep your skin hydrated and stay away from heavy food for that flawless and glowing skin, say experts. Sachin Dhawan, director and consultant dermatologist of Skin n Smiles, emphasises on adequate water intake and controlled consumption of fried food.

Best Tips For Glowing Skin in Diwali

1.Banana Honey pack for extra dry skin

If you have extra dry skin mash up a ripe banana, the riper the banana, the better as it will be easier to mash and will also make a smooth pulp. Add some honey and mix well. Apply it on your face and neck. Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

2.Avoid having fried food whenever possible

 Another thing that you should avoid is sweets and chocolates in the festive season. This can make you gain weight and get dull appearance. However, if you cannot resist your temptation to have sweets, opt for low fat sweets.

3.Tomato for face pack

Tomatoes possess multiple skin care qualities. They are natural astringent that cleans the clogged pores of the skin thoroughly relieving it of pimples, acne etc. Tomatoes also help in shrinking enlarged pores form the skin and help in retaining moisture in the skin.

4.Moisturize your skin regularly

Oil protects skin and it retains more moisture than any cream. A good body scrub and facial can exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells. Add a few drops of essential bath oil for nourishing your skin.

5.Tomato and Olive oil face mask for dry skin
This pack is great for dry skin.  Take freshly squeezed pulp of one tomato and mix in one tablespoon of olive oil(or coconut oil). Mix both the ingredients well and apply evenly on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.  This face pack works very well for flaky and dry skin.

6.Milk and Honey mask

It is one of the best formulas to get that instant glow. Take a spoonful of honey and mix at least half cup of fresh milk in it. Now, apply this wonder mask on your face and see the amazing results.

7.Honey and lemon face pack

Goodness of honey and lemon for your skin. Mix equal portions of honey and lemon juice to make a thin paste. Apply on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. It may drip so be prepared for wiping. Rinse it off with cold water. This will bring a glow and also reduce blemishes and acne.

Beauty Tips for Diwali, Tips and Tricks For Glowing Skin in Diwali , 7 Beauty Tips for Diwali Beauty Tips for Diwali, Tips and Tricks For Glowing Skin in Diwali , 7 Beauty Tips for Diwali Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:53:00 Rating: 5