How to cleanse face Naturally, Fruits Cleanse Your Face, Natural Face Cleansers Fruits

Fruits Cleanse Face Naturally

Think spots are something just teenagers get? Think again. Around 20 per cent of women suffer from acne well into their 20s and 30s, which can be caused by anything from stress to hormone fluctuations and more.

All is not lost, however - aside from topical over-the-counter treatments and antibiotics, there are a number of foods long-heralded for their skin clearing properties that, added to your diet over time, may help to significantly improve the quality of your skin. Try combining our top 30 foods with fresh air, plenty of exercise, and a good skin care regime and see if they make a difference.

 Natural Face Cleansers Fruits


Who needs Botox when you have bananas? That’s right: You can use a banana as an all-natural face mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer. Mash up a medium-sized ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply it to your face and neck. Let it set for 10-20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Another popular mask recipe calls for 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 medium banana.


Strawberry holds so many benefits for our skin. It is the best cleanser, great exfoliater, natural toner, and colour brightener. Use strawberry juice to cleanse and tone your face.


Create a facial that both exfoliates and moisturizes by mixing the juice from 1 lemon with ¼ cup olive oil or sweet almond oil.

4. Papaya

Papaya add glow to your skin and cleanse thoroughly, removing every particle of dirt from your face. It naturally hydrates your skin and provides you an instant fresh look.


Well, apple is great for everything. Apple juice or apple pulp, both are great for cleansing the skin. It gives glow and radiant look.

6. Watermelon

If you have dry skin, then watermelon is the correct fruit for you. Watermelon naturally hydrates your face. It seals the moisture within your skin, which helps to get rid of dry skin. Use watermelon juice as a facial cleanser on a daily basis.


Mango helps to cleanse your skin deeply. Mango works as toner and rejuvenates your skin. It makes your skin supple and soft and slows down the signs of ageing.

How to cleanse face Naturally, Fruits Cleanse Your Face, Natural Face Cleansers Fruits How to cleanse face Naturally, Fruits Cleanse Your Face, Natural Face Cleansers Fruits Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 09:03:00 Rating: 5