Top 3 Fruit facial packs for Glowing skin

Top 3 Fruit facial packs

As you can see that the cream has loads of fruit enzymes from the fruits like banana, papaya, orange, grapes etc. Banana is good for dry skin hydration enhancement while papaya exfoliates the oily skin and removes the marks. 
This Fruit massage cream will help to make the skin tighter and remove any dullness. With the continuous usage you will notice a healthy glow and improved skin texture. Aloe Vera gel is good for oily skin while cream will take away the dryness. All these will help to reduce the dark spots and skin blemishes.

1.Orange Peel and Yogurt Pack

Oranges are fully packed with nutrients beneficial for the skin. Orange peel, pulp and juice contains vitamin C. All these can be used to make different types of face packs. Oranges help to improve the texture of the skin, reduce tanning and give a magnificent glowing texture. It helps to get rid of the excess oil, blemishes and dead cells from the skin. Just massage orange juice on the face in circular motions Leave it on for fifteen minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Alternately take orange peel powder and mix it with some curd to make it a paste. Apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for twenty minutes and wash off with lukewarm water

2.Kiwi and Almond Face Pack

Kiwi has vitamin C, E, and K that enhances collagen formation and replenishes our skin with antioxidants. The black seeds of kiwi contain fatty acid omega 3 oils. . Kiwi brightens the dullness of the skin and delays the ageing process. Mash one kiwi and half ripe banana together and apply it on the face. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off.

3.Peach, Tomato, and Honey Face Pack

Peaches along with tomato acts as a natural cleanser and is a very effective pack. Mash peach and tomato together and add a bit of honey. Apply it on face and rinse off after 20 minutes. Regular use will give a glowing skin.

Top 3 Fruit facial packs for Glowing skin Top 3 Fruit facial packs for Glowing skin Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 23:19:00 Rating: 5