Home Remedies for Chagas Disease, Treatments For Chagas Disease Or Kissing Bug Disease

Home Remedies for Chagas Disease
Chagas Disease was named after the Brazilian doctor Carlos Chagas, who first described the disease in 1909. This infection is caused by a protozoan parasite named Trypanosoma cruzi, which is commonly transmitted to humans by an insect vector “kissing bug” of the subfamily Triatominae. The bug bites and sucks the blood of its sleeping victim, and defecates on the person. Triatomines pass T. cruzi parasites (called trypomastigotes) in the body. Once inside the body, the trypomastigotes invade cells, and gradually destroys heart tissue and the gastrointestinal tract. It typically causes chronic symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmias, poor gastrointestinal motility, etc.

Chagas disease has two stages: acute and chronic. In the early, acute stage, the patient may have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms, typically, swelling and reddening at the site of infection. After 1-2 months, the patient with active infections enters the chronic stage. In chronic stage, the disease affects the nervous system, digestive system and heart. In the chronic stage, about 2/3 of people have cardiac damage, including dilated cardiomyopathy, which causes heart rhythm abnormalities and may result in sudden death. About 1/3 of people likely develop digestive system disorders, such as megacolon, megaesophagus, severe weight loss, swallowing difficulties, and malnutrition.

The Symptoms Of Chagas Disease 

Some of the symptoms of Acute and Intermediate Chagas Disease or Kissing Bug Disease are:
Swelling with redness at the infection site on the skin
Lymph node swelling
Body pains
Severe fatigue
Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly
Swelling of tissues around the eyes

Home Remedies

Ledum  is a widely known treatment for the stings of venomous insects. It neutralizes venom and speeds recovery from poisoning. It's appropriate for any insect bite, especially those that produce severe itching and coldness at the site of the bite. The skin may be bluish or purple, feel cold to the touch and look bruised. Take a dose of Ledum as soon as you realize you've been stung. There may be arthritic joint aches and pains accompanying the early stages after being bitten.

Tarentula Cubensis is called for in cases where sepsis sets in after being bitten by a venomous insect. There may be red or purple boils oozing with pus. Tremendous burning pains are present throughout the body with systemic swelling of various organs. Patients may have the peculiar symptom restless legs during attacks. Chills, fever, gangrenous flesh are present.

Anthracinum is useful in cases where the site of the bite becomes septic and infected . Terrible burning pains at the site of the bite, where tissues are swollen and ulcerated. The infection moves rapidly through the skin into underlying tissue.

Home Remedies for Chagas Disease, Treatments For Chagas Disease Or Kissing Bug Disease Home Remedies for Chagas Disease,  Treatments For Chagas Disease Or Kissing Bug Disease Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:44:00 Rating: 5