5 Tips to Kick-Start Your Weight Loss

5 Tips to Kick-Start Your Weight Loss 
You've made the decision to lose weight, and now it's time to follow through on your goal. Here are Five weight loss tips to help you get started.......

1.Think about your motivation
Put down on paper the reasons why you want to lose weight, not why your partner is nagging you or why your doctor says you have to. Do you want to have more energy, fit into skinnier jeans, reduce your risk of diabetes? When you’re tempted to open a bag of chips or skip Pilates class, use your written reminders to keep yourself on track. Talk to friends who support your goals, and exercise with partners who share them.

2. Active just 15 minutes more
Going from couch potato to an hour every day at the gym is the kind of change that only a superhero could keep up with. But add just 10 minutes of exercise to your day, and you’re well on your way to losing weight and reducing a range of health risks. Exercise also has a positive effect on metabolism – just what you’re going for. But keep in mind you won’t lose any weight at all if you use your increased activity as an excuse to have a second cupcake. “A lot of people overestimate how much weight can be lost with exercise alone

3. Choose whole grains
When you’re picking what to put in your mouth, go for the whole-grain, low-sugar options instead of highly processed foods made with white flour and refined sugar. Not only will you feel full on fewer calories (120 in whole-wheat toast with a tablespoon of light cream cheese, compared to almost 300 calories in a jelly doughnut), but you’re also treating your body to more nutrients while helping to prevent heart disease and other health problems.

4.Drink water
As it is, most of us don’t drink enough fluids during the day. Water has zero calories, is key for good health, and can even make you feel full when you’re hungry. Best yet, when you’re drinking water instead of other beverages, you’re probably replacing hundreds of sneaky calories from juice, soft drinks, specialty coffees and alcohol, which can range from 120 calories in a cup of orange juice to over 200 calories in an iced cappuccino. Aim for a glass of water with every meal and snack.

5.Eat Breakfast
You may believe you can shed weight by passing on breakfast, but actually, the opposite is true: Breakfast is what kicks off your metabolism for the day. “If you skip breakfast, your body is operating at a slower pace,” says Dr.'s Starting your day with a good breakfast also means you’re less likely to overeat at other meals.
5 Tips to Kick-Start Your Weight Loss 5 Tips to Kick-Start Your Weight Loss Reviewed by JACK on 19:13:00 Rating: 5