Diet for weight loss

Diet for weight loss

A well balanced diet is necessary for an effective weight loss program. As a starting point, a four to  five days all fruit diet is very beneficial for a quick result. All fruit diet should consist  three meals a day of pineapple and papaya. After that, you may  gradually include a low-calorie well-balanced diet consisting of seeds,nuts,grains,vegetables and fruits, with emphasis on fresh fruits,raw vegetables and fresh juice is recommended.

1. Lime juice-honey water mixture for weight loss naturally
If you are able to do fasting on lime juice-honey water mixture then this is  an instant way of lose weight with out losing energy and appetite.  You have to take half lime juice mixed with one teaspoon fresh honey with water in a regular intervals to suppress pangs of hunger.

2. Lemon Juice diet for weight loss  
Lemon juice diet is a natural remedy for weight loss. You have to follow lemon juice diet like this.

On first day you have to drink plenty of pure water. Second day you have to drink three lemon juice  with equal amount of water.  You should add one lemon per  each day until the juice of 10 lemon is consumed per day. Then the number of lemon should be reduced in the same order until three lemons are taken in a day. You may feel weak and hungry on the first two days, but afterwards the condition will stabilize by itself.

3. Cabbage for weight loss
If you want to lose weight then taking cabbage salad is the simplest way to slim in a painless way. Recent studies found that cabbage have a valuable content called tartaric acid which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. It is there fore very helpful in weight reduction.

4. Tomatoes for weight loss
Tomatoes is considered to be an excellent natural remedy for weight loss. You have to take one or two ripe tomatoes early in the morning on empty stomach for a couple of month to get weight reduction.

5.Natural remedies for weight loss
Juice fasting is one of the best natural remedy for weight loss among all which gives an instant result. If you want to lose weight sensibly in a short period of time then juice fasting is the best choice for you. Juice fasting has numerous health benefits and you may continue it for a period of  forty days  and more but you have to do it under the super vision of an expert. Seven days juice fasting can be practice by any one who has no other chronic diseases. Juices of Lemon, Grapefruit,Orange, Pineapple and cabbage are very effective juices in a weight loss program.
Diet for weight loss Diet for weight loss Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 22:23:00 Rating: 5