side effects of air conditioner on health

Side Effects of Air Conditioner on Health
Global News examined the top five health concerns that surround the use of air conditioners.

1. Illness and constant fatigue
Shivering at your office desk in mid-July? That might be the reason you are so tired. Research shows that people who work in over air-conditioned environments may experience chronic headaches and fatigue. Those who work in buildings which are constantly being pumped full of cool air may also experience constant mucous membrane irritation and breathing difficulties. This leaves you more vulnerable to contracting colds, flu’s and other illnesses.

2. Dry skin
Long hours spent in air conditioned environments causes your skin to lose moisture; if you are not aiding your skin with a constant supply of moisturizers you may begin to suffer from dry skin.

3.Breathing problems
Though your car’s AC may be a saving grace while stuck in traffic on a hot day they are the worst offenders for circulating germs and micro-organisms that cause breathing problems. Researchers at Louisiana State Medical Center found eight types of mould living inside 22 out of 25 cars tested. Air conditioners are also known to circulate air-borne diseases such as Legionairre’s Disease, a potentially fatal infectious disease that produces high fever and pneumonia.

Sudden changes in temperature and humidity affect the respiratory system.
It has a drying effect on skin and mucous membranes.
It adds to ambient noise, contributing to noise pollution.
The air circulation can transmit infectious respiratory diseases.
Airborne dust and fungi can cause allergic reactions.
Air conditioning is associated with chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis, throat irritation and hoarseness.
side effects of air conditioner on health side effects of air conditioner on health Reviewed by JACK on 02:59:00 Rating: 5