Top 13 Beauty Tips, Home Made Beauty Tips

Top 13 Beauty Tips

If you want to learn how to get fair skin naturally, you need to work from within. Among some of the natural tips for fair skin is taking good care of your skin and avoiding a tan. If that seems difficult, then here are a few secret beauty tips for fairness that we’ve put together for you. You don’t even have to go too far as most of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen. Yes, learning how to get fair skin is that simple.

1. Lemon

Fresh lemon juice lightens dark spots and blemishes.

2. Milk
Mix 1 teaspoon each of honey and milk, and apply the paste over your face and neck.

3. Turmeric
Apply a paste of 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and 3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice on darkened skin.

4. Egg Pack

Beat an egg well and apply the fluffy mixture to your face. Wash it off after it’s dry.

5. Tomato
Apply a smoothie of 1-2 tomatoes and 2 teaspoons lemon juice on your face daily before bath.

6. Hot Oil Body Massage
Give yourself a hot oil massage. Leave the oil for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

7. Yogurt Pack

Apply a paste of 2 teaspoons Curd and 1 teaspoon honey on your face.

8. Fruit Pack
Make a smooth paste with the pulp of an avocado,cucumber and papaya,and 2 teaspoons of cream.

9. Rose Water
Use rose water to soothe your skin and improve its tone. Add to homemade face packs and scrubs for a fresh look.

10. Cumin Seeds
Boil a teaspoon of cumin seeds in water and wash your face daily with it for clearer skin.

11. Coconut Water
Apply coconut water to get rid of scars and blemishes from your face.

12. Papaya
Apply a paste of peeled and sliced green papaya on your face.

13. Gram Flour
A paste of 2 tablespoons gram flour applied on your face can give you fresh-looking skin.

Top 13 Beauty Tips, Home Made Beauty Tips Top 13 Beauty Tips, Home Made Beauty Tips Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 20:00:00 Rating: 5