How to Quit alcohol Easily
How to Quit alcohol Easily

1.Avoid the reasons that make you feel like having a drink
Often people fall back on alcohol to avoid different problems of life. Once you are out of the addiction, you will be able to take better measures to deal with those problems in better ways than immersing yourself in alcohol. However, for the time being, it is important that you distant yourself from the reasons. If it is your relationship or your job that is causing stress on you and making you depend on alcohol, take a break from it. Once you are able to come out of the addiction, you can get back to the problem in a more efficient way.
2.Shift to low ABV drinks
If you have been drinking for quite long, it might be really difficult for you to quit drinking all of a sudden. In such cases, shifting completely to lower alcohol by volume drinks and then quitting it slowly can be a more feasible way to cut back on the habit. The “low alcohol by volume drinks” is now easily available in the market and they can be very helpful to get rid of drinking in a more comfortable way. However, always make sure that you reduce the amount of consumption of the ABV drinks considerably over a fixed span of time, because while the low ABV drinks contain less alcohol by percentage but they are still harmful.
3.Stay away from friends who drink
We are not suggesting you to leave all your friends only because they drink, but when you are trying to quit alcohol, it is better that you are not in a company of people who enjoy drinking every now and then because that will make the quitting even more difficult for you. Inform your friends clearly about your goals and they are sure to understand.
4.Engage your time in creative activities
For many, drinking is a great time pass and in most of the cases people start with the habit just for entertainment. So, when you are trying to quit the habit it is best that you engage your time with something that is more interesting than drinking. Hanging out with friends who do not drink, taking up a new hobby or learning something new during the time when you used to drink otherwise can be a great way to engage your brain with something more creative and interesting that can help you stay away from drinking.
5.Learn meditation
Meditation can be a very effective way to quit drinking on your own. Meditation can make you more aware about yourself and will also relax your senses naturally, which is often a reason for having a drink. Meditation will also help you to have better control over yourself and to fight anxiety in a more reasonable way, which will enable you to deal with the everyday issues of life better, helping you to feel less depressed and much less in need of a drink. So, if you are trying to quit alcohol on your own, learning meditation and practicing it regularly can be very helpful.
6.Exercise can help you get rid of alcohol
Exercising can be another key way to get rid of alcohol. When you exercise, your brain releases the feel good hormone serotonin which not only makes you feel more relaxed but also helps in feeling good about yourself and boosts a nice mood. Taking up regular exercise can be extremely helpful to get rid of the alcohol as well as the damage alcohol has already done to your mind and body.
7.Dates for controlling alcohol craving
Dates are believed to be highly effective in limiting the cravings for alcohol. You can have a date drink two to three times in a day to control the alcohol cravings. Here is how you can prepare the date drink,
Take 5-6 ripe dates, remove the seeds and crush them
Add the crushed dates in 1 glass of water, mix and it is ready to drink
You can drink this mixture anytime during the day when you are feeling like having a peg. This drink can also be helpful to get rid of toxins in your body.
8.Grapes for controlling alcohol addiction
Grape juice or grapes can be very effective in curing the cravings for alcohol. As many alcoholic drinks are prepared from grape juice, hence by having grapes you can have all the nourishment without the alcohol. Drink a glass of grape juice or munch on a bunch of grapes whenever you feel like having a glass of alcoholic drink.
9.Apples for alcohol cravings
Apples are the other fruits that are believed to be highly helpful in curing cravings for alcohol. So, eat as many apples as you want during the day. Apples will not only help you to control the alcohol craving but will also give you a bunch of health benefits along with its powerful nutrients to recover from the addiction quickly.
10.Get rid of your stock and everything related to drinking
If you are much into drinking, it is most expected that you have a good collection of drinks in your home. To quit alcohol, first get rid of the stock, no matter how expensive they are. Also discard the drink glasses that might make you remember about the habit. Anything that pulls you back to the old habit is better to remove from your sight. If you smoke as well, smoking is sure to make you remember about a drink, so it is better to quit smoking too, while you are trying to quit drinking.
11.Avoid the triggers
Avoiding the triggers is also important for quitting alcohol. Visiting a pub where drinks will be flowing all around you is certainly not a good idea when you are trying to quit drinking. It will only make you crave more for it. So, when you are trying to quit it, stay away from the places where people drink.
How to Quit alcohol Easily
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni