Potatoes Can Help You Lose Weight
Potatoes Can Help You Lose Weight

What makes spuds so filling? As US researchers point out, white potatoes contain 4.7g of fibre, which is about the same as an apple. Plus, potatoes are rich in resistant starch, which take up space in your GI tract and slow down digestion. That keeps you feeling fuller longer, says Caspero.
And, you probably wouldn’t guess this, but a medium white potato also contains 4.3g of filling protein. It’s not as much as a chicken breast, but it’s way more than most vegetables!
2. They’re Crazy-Low In KilojoulesThat medium white potato contains just 680kJ. Like we said, it’s all about how you prep them. What’s more, since potatoes’ resistant starch is tough to digest (hence the name), we don’t actually absorb all of its kilojoules, she says. That spud on your plate just got even slimmer.
Not sure how to cook a low-kilojoule potato? Try serving them boiled or baked with nutrient-packed toppings like spices, Greek yoghurt, poached eggs, salsa, baked beans, avocado slices or any other foods you love, says Caspero. It might sound out of the box, but potatoes have such a mild flavour that they go great with basically anything.
3. They Can Boost Workout ResultsPotatoes are a mainstay among carbo-loading athletes. That’s because they fuel you with exactly what you need for better workouts and results, says Caspero.
During high-intensity or long-duration exercise, blood sugar and muscle glycogen (stored carbs) serve as your body’s primary source of energy. That’s why, according to Sports Medicine research, carbs can boost marathon training and high-intensity interval performance. And better performances = more kilojoules burnt and more muscle built.
Plus, unlike other carb sources, potatoes contain enough fibre and protein to keep your blood sugar levels from going ape.
And even though most pre-race potato-lovers don’t realise it, potatoes actually contain more potassium than bananas. Getting enough of that electrolyte is crucial for proper muscle function.
4. They’re Complex AFOne reason potatoes get a bad rap is because they’re a “starchy” vegetable. But, if you haven’t gotten our drift yet, starch isn’t bad. It’s actually a complex carbohydrate, you know, that good carb that everyone is talking about for weight loss.
While research has consistently linked complex carbs to weight loss, starch specifically is shown to improve blood sugar control, which in turn facilitates weight loss and prevents insulin resistance, says Caspero. Booya.
Use potatoes’ whole, complex carbs to your weight-loss benefit by eating them in place of your usual refined carbs – like white bread and white pasta. Easy enough, right? Taters gonna tate, tate, tate.
Potatoes Can Help You Lose Weight
Reviewed by JACK