Best Home Remedies For Cold Sores

Best Home Remedies For Cold Sores

1. Ice
Putting ice on the cold sores is a good natural remedy to help to numb the pain and ease the itching. Try not to put ice directly on your skin, as if it is left on your skin for too long it can cause nerve damage.

When using ice, wrap it in a towel or some other type of cloth. Ice your cold sores as often as you have to in order to keep the itching down and the pain numbed.

2. Toothpaste
Toothpaste contains ingredients (that are maybe not meant to) that can reduce itching and inflammation. Put a little bit of toothpaste on your blister before you go to bed.

Leave it on for the whole night before rinsing it off. If you are worried about it getting all over everything, put a bandage over the toothpaste.

Toothpaste contains ingredients (that are maybe not meant to) that can reduce itching and inflammation

3. Rubbing Alcohol
Alcohol can help to numb the itchiness of your cold sores and it will also help to disinfect the sore as well.

Rubbing a little alcohol on the blister will help. If you don’t have access to rubbing alcohol, any stuff with a high alcohol content will be good enough.

4. Salt Paste
Mix a teaspoon of salt with enough water to make a sort of paste out of it. Rub this natural home remedy onto your you cold sore. This should help to reduce some of the itching. Do this as often as you need to in order to reduce the itching.

5. Baking Soda Paste

Get a tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with only enough water to make a paste with it. About a tablespoon of water should work for this. Once it is like a paste, put it on your cold sore. Do this as often as you need to in order to keep the itching away.

6. Lemon Juice
Take a cotton ball and dip it into some lemon juice. Rub the juice on your cold sore for a few minutes. Do this a two or three times a day to get the best results.

Lime excellent natural home remedy should help to get rid of your cold sore faster. It will also reduce some of the pain and itching that come with it as well.

7. Oatmeal
Cook some plain oatmeal till it is done into a paste-like consistency. Add less water so that it is thick and not watery. Once the oatmeal is cooked and cool enough, put it on your you cold sore. This is an excellent home remedy for curing cold sores.

8. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is one of the best natural remedies for relieving itchiness. Put some lavender oil onto a cotton ball and rub it over your cold sores. Do this as often as you need to in order to keep the itching at a bearable level.

9. Chamomile Tea
Drinking chamomile tea can help to relieve and get rid of cold sores faster. Drink at least one cup of the tea a day. Let some of the tea stay on your cold sores when you drink it.

Or you can take a cotton ball and rub it on your cold sores as well. Either way, the tea should be able to help.

10. Tea Bags
Tea bags can be applied to cold sores in order to heal your cold sores faster. Whenever you make tea, take out the bag once it has cooled a little bit, and let it sit on your cold sores for five to ten minutes.
Best Home Remedies For Cold Sores Best Home Remedies For Cold Sores Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 08:07:00 Rating: 5