fireworks safety tips

                       fireworks safety tips

  • Most serious injuries happen on July 4th, so set off your explosives on the day before or the day after.
  • Be sure to set off at least one firework as a tribute to Vulcan, ancient Roman god of fire, or face his wrath.
  • If a firework fails to ignite, there may be something wrong with it. To figure out the problem, examine the firework up close and watch carefully while you try reigniting it.
  • Anyone about to set off a “black snake” should prepare for a major disappointment.
  • Remember that fireworks can’t hurt you when you’re drunk. Nothing can.
  • The most effective treatment for burns is to go around showing people the burn and saying, “Look, I burned myself. Fuckin’ hurts.”
  • Glow sticks are great alternatives to sparklers for children whose parents are no fucking fun.
  • It’s safest to be as far as possible from the site of ignition. Instead of lighting the firework directly, set it off via a trail of gunpowder that’s at least 500 feet long.

  • When buying fireworks, remember: The bigger the firework, the higher it will fly, and the less likely it will be to hurt you.
  • Children should only use fireworks under the strict supervision of an adult or a slightly older cousin.
  • Do not invite stupid people to your fireworks display.
  • Water and Ice:

    Of all of the home remedies that are intended to be natural cures for burns, this one should be at the top of your home remedy list.
    You should run cool water over a burn as soon as possible after getting a burn. Doing so can keep a 1st degree burn from progressing into a 2nd degree burn and offers immediate pain-relief from burns.
    For burns on the hands, lower leg, or feet: put ice and water in a container, wrap the affected limb in a towel (to protect from freeze-burns) and place the affected area in the icy-water for as long as you can stand to.
    Alternate between putting your hand or foot, ‘in’ and ‘out’ of the ice-water for a natural cure to burns. Continue until the pain of the burn stops.
fireworks safety tips fireworks safety tips Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 08:24:00 Rating: 5