Hair loss home treatment for teenagers

Teens are the growing and building group of individuals who are enthusiastic about every subject as their mind is always moving to get answer about several unknown facts. Since they are young, it is expected that they will have good skin, hair and will be free from all types of health issues as compared to elderly people. Even it is expected that their hair roots will remain much stronger which will be backed with thick and healthy hair without any hair fall. But, today due to adulteration, even the teenagers suffer from excessive hair falls. Usually, hair loss increases with aging but due to environmental changes, food habits as well as other diet factors even the teenage boys are affected with the problem of hair loss.

Hair loss home treatment for teenagers

Wash your hair

Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and conditioner once a day, especially if you have oily hair. Though you may think that not washing your hair will slow your hair loss, in fact it might speed it up. This is because your hair follicles can’t function properly when they are blocked with yeast, microbes, and sebum.

Eat protein rich food

Make your teenage girl eat protein-rich food. Our hair is made of protein called keratin. Ensure she eats a protein-rich diet which has eggs, lentils, green vegetables and yogurt and milk. Good eating habits can reverse the damage and prove beneficial for existing hair.


Teenage girls are very cautious about their hair looks instead of hair health. Thus, they avoid oiling as this can make their hair sticky and unattractive in looks. But, oiling is really important to keep your hair in good state. Teenage girls must be taught about the benefit of oiling. You must be aware of the fact that oiling makes you hair smooth and brings strength to it.

Avoid junks

Teenage girls like to consume junk food but this can lead to variety of critical problems. As the way it damages skin tone, junk food can even lead to problems related to hair. It is better to avoid all types of junk foods and consume healthy foods. The street food should e totally avoided to keep hair hail and healthy. Even the irregular food timings can lead to some critical problems related to hair. Instead of having junk food, you can prepare some tasty food at home which is also having good minerals and vitamins along with nutritional factors.

Stop combing wet hair

Wet hair is prone to breakage as the root of the hair is quite weak once they are wet. Just after having the shower you should dry your hair under the sunlight or a simple table fan. Once they are totally dry, you can comb your hair.

Hair Care

Explain your teenage girl the importance of having naturally beautiful hair. Too much styling can prove to be very harmful. Restrict her from using hair styling products like gels, heating tongs and curls.
Hair loss home treatment for teenagers Hair loss home treatment for teenagers Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 17:16:00 Rating: 5