How to Apply Mascara, tips to use mascara

How to Apply Mascara

Step 1. Place the wand deep into the base of the lashes, wiggling it in left to right. It's the mascara placed near the roots -- not the tips -- that gives the illusion of length.
Step 2. Pull the wand up and through lashes, wiggling as you go. The wiggling part is key because it separates lashes.
Step 3.To get more product on the mascara wand, place it inside the tube and twirl it. Do not pump it in and out, as this will pump air into the tube and cause your mascara to dry out faster.
Step 4. To further prevent clumping, when you apply your mascara, place the wand at the base of the eyelashes. Apply mascara with back-and-forth sawing motion. The bristles of the wand will separate lashes. This way, you'll get mascara on each individual lash, instead of clumping five eyelashes together.
Step 5. If your mascara is too thick, it is probably time to buy a new tube. Thicker mascara is harder to apply and often gives your lashes the kind of spider look that isn't too appealing.
Step 6. To apply a thin, but even coat (if you hate those clumps, this will probably work no matter what kind of mascara you have --this is how professional makeup artists apply it). Using one finger, gently lift the skin of your upper eyelid up, then with your other hand gently stroke the mascara wand through your lashes a few times, from the inner corner to the outer corner, going over the tips of your lashes more than the base.
Step 7. To give an extra long look to your lashes: once they dry, coat the tips of the lashes two or three times with black mascara, while also drying and separating the lashes between applications. If you want very long lashes, coat them from the top. 

Don't Be Afraid to Mix Mascaras

A trick makeup artists use to make lashes pop is apply one coat of lengthening mascara, followed by one coat of thickening mascara. Remove excess product with a clean spoolie wand 
How to Apply Mascara, tips to use mascara How to Apply Mascara, tips to use mascara Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 21:59:00 Rating: 5