Top 7 Tips for Treating Thyroid Problems Naturally

Tips for Treating Thyroid Problems Naturally
Some of the common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, muscle cramping, sudden weight gain, depression and brittle fingernails and hair.
1.Marine Phytoplankton
The marine phytoplankton is one of the best foods that help you to keep your thyroid under control. This is mainly because; the nutrients and electrolytes contained in the phytoplankton help you to control your metabolic rate thereby reducing the effects of thyroid. Other sea vegetables such as kelp, hijke, arame, wakame, kombu, nori and others. You can also consume Sea weeds as they are rich in iodine content and are also good antioxidants and hence are useful in controlling the thyroid functions.
2.Increase the vegetables and fruits in your diet.
Whenever possible, choose to eat local, seasonal, organic produce, the fresher the better. Don't worry too much about sourcing the vegetables. Any produce is better than no produce, even frozen fruits and vegetables can benefit your health.
3. Kelp
Kelp is a brown seaweed rich in iodine and other minerals. It is useful for those suffering from hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency. However, this remedy is not recommended for those suffering from autoimmune thyroid problems or else it may worsen the condition.
So, do consult your doctor before taking kelp supplements to check if it is suitable for you and find the correct dosage specific to your condition.
4.Fish oil
Fish oils are considered good for increasing thyroid hormone uptake and maintaining healthy thyroid function. Being rich in omega 3 fatty acids, they also fight inflammation and increase immunity.
Take fish oil supplements after consulting your doctor, especially if you are taking blood thinners. The general dosage is up to 3 grams per day.
5.Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with several autoimmune diseases, including thyroid disease. Exposure to early sunshine is a good way to generate the vitamin D required by the body.
So, expose your body to early morning sunrays for about 15 minutes daily. This will also help maintain healthy immune function and calcium metabolism.
Those suffering from hypothyroidism can make it a habit to wake up in the morning and do some healthy exercises (stimulates the thyroid gland), such as walking outdoors. You’ll get the early sunshine as well as benefit from the physical exercise.
6. Guggul
Guggul comes from the gum resin of an Indian tree called Commiphora Mukul. Research indicates that its active compounds called guggulsterones may help in the treatment of hypothyroidism by stimulating thyroid function. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and cholesterol-lowering benefits.
You can take this herb in supplement form after consulting your doctor. Generally, it is taken in doses of 25 mg three times a day. When taking this herb, be sure to monitor your T3 and T4 thyroid hormone levels as it stimulates the conversion of T4 into its more active T3 form.
Caution: Guggul may interfere with estrogen, birth control pills, beta-blockers and other medications.
7.Lyceum Berry
Lyceum berry or Go-Ji when consumed can also help you to get rid of your thyroid. Lyceum berry is known as an immunomodulator and can be used to balance the abnormal responses of the body. This one is the best home remedy for thyroid.
Top 7 Tips for Treating Thyroid Problems Naturally
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni