Home remedies for Shiny Nails

Home remedies for Shiny Nails
Nails are often referred to as windows to our overall well-being. If you have noticed, sometimes doctors too examine our nails just to get an idea about what’s going on in our body. Nails actually tell many things regarding malnutrition, infection and even any serious disease in the body. Nails are layers of keratin. Keratin is the same protein that makes up hair and outer layer of our skin. If your nails look dull, you need to check up with any deficiency of vitamins or minerals in your body. While you can always take help of the home remedies to get shiny nails as you will know in this article, your nails can remain healthy only if you take care of them internally as well as externally. Internally by having vital nutrients and externally by keeping them clean and beautiful.

1.Olive Oil for Shiny Nails

Olive oil is great for health and for nails too. It is a good moisturizer due to the presence of linoleic acid. It prevents water from evaporating. Sometimes your nails look dull due to dryness. There are only some oil glands in hands and thus nails and fingers tend to get dry very easily. Dry things never shine and the same is true for nails too. Olive oil can make them shine by eliminating dryness.
how to Apply Olive Oil to Nails
Add few drops of olive oil to warm water and soak your nails in them for sometime.
Massage your nails with warm (not hot) olive oil.
Before you buff nails or apply nail polish, apply olive oil directly to your nails.
Add a few drops of lemon juice in 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and soak your nails in this.

2. Butter for Shiny Nails

Having butter daily may not be a good idea if you are on a weight loss plan but feeding your nails with butter everyday may give you really shiny nails. Butter, which is the smooth, fatty substance derived from cream has fat content of at least 35% which can give your nails the much wanted moisturization. Not only do your nails get moisturized with butter but they also get a whole lot of nutrients that are present in it. Some of these include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, Vitamin A, Some B vitamins, vitamins C and E. All these are enough to make your nails shine with glow.
Do this:
Apply some butter to your nails.
Rub gently to let the fats go deep inside your nails and surrounding skin.
Massage for few minutes and then wash off with warm water.
Repeat this daily.

3.Milk for Shiny Nails

Milk is another effective remedy that helps to cleanse the nails and makes it not to become shiny but also maintain its shiny for a longer period. This process is easy to follow and not a time taking one. Here the nails absorb the milk’s nourishment that making them looks shiny.
Warm milk, Bowl,Cold cream or nail cream
how to use milk
Take enough amount of warm milk and pour this in a bowl.

Put your nails in this warm milk and let it sit for few minutes so that the nails absorbs the nourishment of the milk.
Then wash it with water and apply moisturizer like either a nail cream or at least a cold cream to prevent nail weakening or cracking.

Repeat the same process for regularly till you get shiny nails and then follow this occasionally to maintain the shine on your nails constantly.

4. Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

Coconut oil has important nutrients that strengthen the nails and cuticles. Olive oil helps to strengthen the brittle nails and moisturizes them properly. Lemon juice in this process acts as natural bleach to get rid of the yellow stains on the nails. Here is the process that you have to follow regularly to get rid of the body.
Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon
Olive oil – 1 teaspoon,
Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Warm water – 1/2 cup
Lukewarm water
Vaseline or any nail cream
how use-
Take equal quantities of lemon juice, olive and coconut oil in a bowl.
Place the bowl on heat either on the stove or microwave.
Allow it to heat up for about 15 – 20 sec in microwave.
Remove the heat and stir it well and then add warm water to it.
Now soak your nails in this warm water for about 15 – 20 minutes.
Take it out and you will get shiny and moisturized nails.
Next gently wash the hands with lukewarm water and pat dry your fingers and nails.
Apply some hand lotion like Vaseline after washing your hands.
Do this process for once a week will help to maintain healthy cuticles and shiny and moisturized nails.

5. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly also helps in gaining shiny nails. Just rub Vaseline or any other petroleum jelly on your nails after taking a bath or before going to bath, for nourishing them.

6. Baby Oil

Lukewarm baby oil will also work great for your nails.

7. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the best and essential ingredients for maintaining the nails shiny and healthy. This vitamin improves the blood circulation which in turn helps to carry the oxygen to the nail beds. Whenever you consume vitamin E with vitamin C, then it becomes an effective medicine for the nails which clears the dust and impurities, cures dryness, brittle and makes it shiny. As we all know that avocados are rich in vitamin E and tomatoes, lemons, oranges, etc. are high source of vitamin C. here you can combine both of these vitamins to get effective and shiny nails. Here are the recipes to follow this for shiny nails.
how to use
Take avocado and cut it into fine piece.
Do the same for tomatoes also.
Take a bowl and add both of these pieces.
Stir it well and have this salad to get nails shiny.
Regular follow up gives more effective results.

Home remedies for Shiny Nails Home remedies for Shiny Nails Reviewed by JACK on 21:49:00 Rating: 5