Home Remedies for Anaemia,Natural Tritment of Anaemia, Top 7 Remedies for Anaemia


About Anaemia :-
Anemia is not a disease, it’s a good news. However, anemia can be an indication of some serious illnesses and that’s a very bad news. So, you need to check first with your doctor and ensure that you don’t have hemolytic anemia, sickle cell anemia or sideroblastic anemia. These types of anemia occur due to malfunctioning of your body which can be treated through proper medical intervention only. If everything is all right but you are still diagnosed with anemia, it is due to nutritional deficiency. You suffer from deficiency of iron, vitamin B 12 or folic acid. You should understand that your red blood cells count has gone really low and they can’t now carry enough oxygen to your body parts. Your hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to your various body parts, may also have reduced to such levels that may pose risk to your health. Therefore, you need to supply essential nutrients to your body so as to treat this nutritional deficiency anemia. Here are some home remedies for anemia of such type.

Top 7 Natural Tritment :-

1. Black Currant 
Soak 8-10 black currants for overnight in water and for 3-4 weeks maintain a regime of having this as the first thing in the morning.  Don’t forget to remove the seeds of black currant before eating it.

2. Yellow Dock Root 
 ½ to 1 teaspoon of the tincture of Yellow dock root, thrice every day, can help you cure the problem of anaemia.

3.Beetroot-Apple Juice for Anemia
Apple is rich in iron along with many other health friendly components. On the other hand, beet is high on folic acid as well as fiber and potassium. Its most nutrient rich part is just under its peel. So, if you plan to have beets, you may cook it in a microwave oven or just roast it on gas stove with its peel still on it. After it gets cooked, peel the beet and have it. While you can always have an apple or two in a day, when you mix with beet with apple, your chances of fighting off anemia doubles up.
Get this:-
Apple juice- 1 cup,Beetroot juice- 1 cup,Honey- 1-2 tsp
Do this:-
Mix apple juice with beetroot juice.Add honey to this and stir well to mix it in the juice.
Have this juice twice a day.

4.Folic acid deficiency anemia
 A deficiency of folic acid produces the same oversized red blood cells as a vitamin B12 deficiency. One of the most common causes of folic acid deficiency anemia is simply not getting enough in the diet. The body doesn't store up folic acid for long periods like it does many other nutrients, so if you aren't getting enough in your diet, you will quickly become deficient. Pregnant women are most at risk for folic acid anemia because the need for folic acid increases by two-thirds during pregnancy. Adequate folic acid intake is essential from the start of pregnancy because it protects against spinal defects in the fetu

5. Blackstrap Molasses for Anemia
This is the folk remedy to fight with anemia. Blackstrap molasses not only contain high levels of iron but also folate which is a natural source of folic acid. There are many B vitamins too in molasses. With all these components, molasses can increase red blood cell production efficiently. What is important is that even people suffering from diabetes can have this due to its low glycemic index. While you can always cover your waffles, pancakes or any other food with molasses, here is a fine home remedy to follow everyday.
Blackstrap Molasses for Anemia
Image Source: Flickr by Wheeler Cowperthwaite
Get this:-
Blackstrap molasses- 2 tsp,Apple cider vinegar- 2 tsp,Water- 1 cup
Do this:-
Mix molasses with apple cider vinegar.Add water to this and mix well.
Have this once daily.

Dates are a good source of dietary fiber and antioxidants; they are also rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin C and an excellent source of iron. This makes them an effective remedy for anaemia. Dates can be eaten fresh or mixed into recipes of ladoos, barnes and cakes or made into a chutney with tamarind and jaggery.

7.Parsley for Anemia
Parsley, also known as rock celery, is perhaps the most popular culinary herb used worldwide. Apart from various other beneficial components, parsley is very high on iron and folic acid. A 100 g of parsley contains 5.5 mg of iron which means half a cup of fresh parsley or 1 tablespoon of this dried herb can meet 10% of your body’s daily requirement of iron! Not only this, its vitamin C helps your body to absorb iron well.
Ways to have parsley for anemia
Use parsley in your sandwiches and salads.
Toss some fresh or dried parsley in your soups, gravies, stews and even sauces.
When preparing a juice, add some parsley, say about 1-2 tbsp with it.

Make tea using parsley. Pour hot water over parsley leaves, steep for a couple of minutes, if required add a tsp of honey and have this herbal tea twice or thrice a day.

Home Remedies for Anaemia,Natural Tritment of Anaemia, Top 7 Remedies for Anaemia Home Remedies for Anaemia,Natural Tritment of Anaemia, Top 7 Remedies for Anaemia Reviewed by JACK on 22:56:00 Rating: 5