Home Remedies for Anorexia Nervosa,Natural Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

 Anorexia Nervosa

About  Anorexia Nervosa:-

Although maintaining a slim body is good idea, some people become obsessive with this idea to the extent that they start starving themselves and turning themselves into a mere skin covered skeleton. Since this disorder is a combination of serious loss of appetite and disorganised mental state and wrong perception about one’s own physical image, it needs something special than just an appetite booster to recover from the condition.
Listed below are some herbs which have proven to be very beneficial for this condition and have improved the health of the patient without adding any complications related to side effects.

Natural Treatment:-

1.Sour Grapes

 You should drink the juice of sour grapes for two purposes, improving appetite and boosting digestive heath. Remember to take this continuously every day for at least three weeks to get the most effective results.

2.Make a paste of fresh Ginger

 Add a pinch of salt and a drop of lime juice to ½ a tspn of the paste. Eat this 2 times a day for 1 week.

3.Orange Juice Therapy

 A very quick and effective treatment is orange therapy. All you need to do is to have a glass of orange juice every two hours throughout the day. Follow this for 2-3 days and you will see even the worst digestive system getting into the right form. Remember not to take anything else in between. Basically, this methodology will cleanse the system thoroughly.

4.Passion Flower

Other than being a stress reliever and hypotensive herb, passion flower also serves as a non-addictive tonic for the nervous system. Passion flower is best used by brewing it or by preparing herbal teas out of it. Other than that, it can also be used in encapsulation and tincture forms. Last but not least, adding it to warm baths is also a nice way of getting healed.

5.Lemon Juice

 Lemon works great as a system cleanser. One lemon squeezed in a glass of lukewarm water with a pinch of salt, drunk in the morning, cleanses the system thoroughly. Add some ginger juice to make it more effective. Lemon tones up the system as well, getting the body back to its optimal conditions

Home Remedies for Anorexia Nervosa,Natural Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Home Remedies for Anorexia Nervosa,Natural Treatment of  Anorexia Nervosa Reviewed by JACK on 07:16:00 Rating: 5