Health Benefits of Gram, चने के स्वास्थ्य लाभ
Gram Health Benefits

1.Common Cold and fever
Ayurveda acharyas recommend soup of horse gram in common cold, fever, bronchitis and asthma. It relieves congestion and makes breathing easy. It supplies required nutrients to boost body immunity in fever and common cold.
2.Energy booster
To increase the entire body energy Bengal gram helps a lot, take the spouted Bengal gram which are soaked on water and add a pinch of salt, few drops of lemon, ginger pieces and black pepper powder. Take it as a break fast in the morning to increase your energy levels.
New researches have shown the beneficial effects of horse gram in diabetes. Regular consumption of these beans helps to reduce blood glucose level.
4.Treat anaemia
If you have anaemia due to iron deficiency, mix the juice of Bengal gram with one tablespoon of honey. The rich iron proteins of Bengal gram minimizes your problem.
5.Menstrual Disturbances
Women who suffer from scanty bleeding or irregular menstrual cycle are benefited by this pulse. The iron content of this bean helps to boost haemoglobin which is lost from menstrual cycles.
6.Face care
Bengal gram is most known for its treatment of curing skin problems like acne, pimple, dermatitis, eczema and scabies etch.
To treat it mix the Bengal gram powder either with milk or curd and apply over the face.
7.Kidney stones
Regular consumption of cooked horse gram helps to expel small kidney stones. Scientific studies have shown that horse gram inhibits formation of calcium oxalate stones in kidneys.
Health Benefits of Gram, चने के स्वास्थ्य लाभ
Reviewed by JACK