Home Remedies for Get Electric Shock, First Aid for Electric Shock

 After Electric Shock

1.Shut off the current. If you can do so safely, turn off the electrical current. Don’t attempt to rescue someone near a high-voltage line. Shutting off the current at the power box, the circuit breaker or the fuse box is the preferred option. Follow these steps to turn the power off with a circuit breaker box:
Open the circuit breaker box. Look for a rectangular block, with a handle, at the top of the fuse box.
Grab the handle and flip it to the other side, just light a light switch.
Try turning on a light or other electrical device to double check the power is off.

2.The best thing that will take care of an electrical shock is time. However, if you are in too much pain or discomfort, you can try a couple of simple remedies. Massage the affected area gently and for at least 20 minutes, with warm olive oil. This will go a long way towards restoring circulation in your body. Once that happens, you will feel the impact of the shock beginning to recede. You may have to continue with the massage for a long time, though. If you do not see instant results, do not be disheartened. If your nerves in the area have gone numb, they may just take a while to restore their usual functioning capacity. The other thing you can do is take ice massages. You should go for this option only if you have any residual burns left over from the shock, or if you have split skin or any other kind of injury. An effective ice pack would be to put ice cubes in a cloth and rub it all over the affected area gently. This should also last about 15 to 20 minutes for it to actually become numb and soothe. If you have any burns, make sure they are taken care of before you proceed with these massages.

3.Call emergency services. It is very important that you call as quickly as possible for help. The sooner you call, the sooner help will arrive. Explain your situation as calmly and clearly as you can when you make the call.
Explain that the emergency involves and electrical shock so the responders can be best prepared.
Try not to panic. Keeping as calm as you can will help you relay the proper information.
Speak clearly. Emergency services will need accurate and clear information. Speaking too quickly might lead to misunderstanding, which can waste valuable time.
Provide your address and phone number accurately.

Most countries have made emergency service numbers easy to remember
Home Remedies for Get Electric Shock, First Aid for Electric Shock Home Remedies for Get Electric Shock, First Aid for Electric Shock Reviewed by JACK on 08:21:00 Rating: 5