Health Benefits of Guava Leaves, Benefits of Guava Leaves Tea

 Benefits of Guava Leaves

Owing to the side effects resulting from the usage of medicines and drugs, herbal plants are being increasingly considered for the treatment of various diseases and guava leaf is one of them. Due to its medicinal properties, guava leaf supplements are nowadays available in the form of capsules and guava leaf tea.

Top Benefits of Guava Leaves

1.Aid in Weight Loss
Guava leaves aid in weight loss by preventing the complex starches from being converted into sugars. For this purpose, the carbs must be broken down in the liver for use by the body and guava leaves prevent the transition of carbohydrates to usable compounds.

Japan has approved guava leaf tea as one of the Foods for Specified Health Uses to help with the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Compounds in the tea inhibit the absorption of two types of sugars, maltose and sucrose, helping to control blood sugar levels after meals. The article published in "Nutrition & Metabolism" described two studies showing this effect. The first study showed the short-term benefits, as participants who drank guava leaf tea after consuming white rice had decreases in blood sugar that were greater after 30 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes than when the same study participants ate the same amount of white rice followed by drinking hot water. In the second, longer-term study participants with either prediabetes or mild Type 2 diabetes who drank guava leaf tea with every meal for 12 weeks had lower fasting blood-sugar levels than before they started drinking the tea.

3.Lower Cholesterol
Research has proved that drinking guava leaf tea for 3 months can lead to reduction in LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides without any adverse effect on good cholesterol. Besides, the guava leaves are a great liver tonic.

 Guavas are extremely good sources of vitamin-A, which is well known as a booster for vision health. It can help slow down the appearance of cataracts, macular degeneration, and general health of the eyes. It can not only prevent degradation of eyesight, but even an improvement in eyesight once it has begun to degrade.

5.Aids in Digestion
Guava leaf tea aids in digestion by stimulating digestive enzyme production. The powerful antibacterial agents kill bacteria in the lining of the gut and stop proliferation of toxic enzymes by bacteria. Guava leaves are particularly beneficial in case of food poisoning as well as soothing, vomiting and nausea. To relieve stomach ache, boil 8 pieces of guava leaves in 1.5 liters of water and drink thrice a day.

Health Benefits of Guava Leaves, Benefits of Guava Leaves Tea Health Benefits of Guava Leaves, Benefits of Guava Leaves Tea Reviewed by JACK on 21:22:00 Rating: 5