Secrets of Happy and Healthy Life, Top Secrets of Healthy Life

Secrets of  Life

Longevity seems to be the health buzzword these days, and for good reason. Americans in particular are obsessed with staying youthful, but it’s often the villagers living in remote parts of the world who seem to have exceptional health and live to be over one hundred years of age. As Westerners we want to know what these people do every day to increase their lifespan. The truth lies in living simply, having good friends and eating right. The following tips are from centenarians around the world who have found a fountain of youth in their very own backyard. 

Top Secrets of Healthy Life :-

1. Sleep is ground zero
If you don't get enough sleep, everything else will suffer. Sleep deprivation (which most of us suffer from) puts you in a pre-diabetic state, messes with your metabolism, makes you dramatically more likely to be overweight, increases your appetite, decreases your productivity, hampers your immune system, and makes you tired, moody, anxious and likely to be depressed. 
If you're struggling with any of the things on this list and you're not getting enough sleep (less than 8 hours a night), aim for improved sleep first before trying any other life strategies.

2.Eat ‘primally’ 
Common sense dictates that the best diet is one based on foods we’ve been eating the longest in terms of our time on this planet. These are the foods that we’ve evolved to eat and are best adapted to. Studies show that a ‘primal’ diet made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, as well as meat, fish and eggs, is best for weight control and improvement in risk markers for illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. 
This ‘go primal’ food philosophy will enable you to cut through the marketing hype and dietary misinformation, and allow you to make healthy food choices quickly and confidently.

3.Be yourself, unapologetically
This expands on the people-pleasing piece. So many of us (myself included) grew up focusing on what other people or society thought we should do. So many people are in careers, places or situations that depress them or make them feel hopeless. 
Yes, sometimes you just have to work to put food on the table, but many people are in a position where they could transition into something much more suitable to who they are. Start checking in with yourself about who you really are, despite your circumstances and outside influences. 
What do you really love? What do you long to do? How would you love to live? In whatever way you can, start shifting your life towards living more authentically - and watch what happens. 

4.Walk regularly
 Aerobic exercise, including something as uncomplicated and low-impact as walking, is associated with a variety of benefits for the body and the brain, including a reduced risk of chronic diseases, anti-anxiety and mood-enhancing effects. Aim for a total of about 30 minutes of brisk walking every day.

5.Practise random acts of kindness
 Random acts of kindness are good for givers and receivers alike. It could be a quick call or text to someone you care about or have lost touch with, or showing a fellow motorist some consideration, or giving up your seat on a train or bus, or buying someone lunch or giving a spontaneous bunch of flowers.

Secrets of Happy and Healthy Life, Top Secrets of Healthy Life Secrets of Happy and Healthy Life, Top Secrets of Healthy Life Reviewed by JACK on 20:48:00 Rating: 5