Mustard oil Benefits in winter, Mustard oil Use in winter for us
Mustard oil Benefits in winter for us

Mustard oil Benefits for us :-
1.Help Babies in cold winter

Adding basil leaves to the warm mustard oil is also a very common practice to help babies tackle the cold winter.
2.Fights Dry Skin

During winters, your skin becomes rough, patchy and dry. No amount of moisturizer can fight it for a long time. This is where mustard oil comes to your rescue. Take a drop of mustard in your hand and rub it along your face. Let it remain for a few minutes before washing it with water. The skin becomes smooth and the patches wear off.
3.Mustard oil with Besan

Mix mustard oil with besan (Bengal gram flour), curd and few drops of lemon juice. Apply this face mask on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Do this twice or thrice a week to remove tan, dark spots and get a glowing skin naturally.
4.Solves Skin Problems

Come winters and with dryness, your face becomes itchy and sometimes absolutely dirty. It is at this time of the year that your skin is prone to pimples, dark spots, etc. If you wish to get rid of them without really using chemicals, apply mustard oil. This thick oil that contains vitamins and proteins helps blood circulation and improves skin texture. With regular use of mustard oil, your skin becomes radiant and is permanently free from acne and other skin troubles. It also cures all signs of aging including wrinkles, dark spots, etc.
5.Hair Revitalizer

The stimulating effect and the presence of certain fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, when combined together, make mustard essential oil an efficient hair revitalizer. Its stimulating effects increase blood circulation in the scalp while the fatty acids nourish the hair roots. It has been repeatedly shown that prolonged use of this oil on the hair may give it a brown tint, but it strengthens it and effectively prevents hair loss.
Mustard oil Benefits in winter, Mustard oil Use in winter for us
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni