10 Power Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, 10 Delicious Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure ....

10 Power Foods That Lower Blood Pressure 

Ever wonder how to lower blood pressure naturally?  Sodium has always been the blood pressure bogeyman—shake most of it from your diet and you'll be safe. But research now shows that it's just as important to choose foods naturally low in sodium and high in at least two of the three power minerals: calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Add in these 13 well-balanced foods to your diet to cut your risk of stroke and heart attack nearly in half. (Looking for natural remedies that really work? 

1.Skim Milk

It truly does a body good! Drinking heart-healthy low-fat milk will provide you with calcium and vitamin D — the two nutrients work as a team to help reduce blood pressure by 3 to 10 percent. Although this doesn’t sound like much, it could add up to about a 15 percent reduction in risk for cardiovascular disease.


Potatoes are high in both potassium and magnesium, two minerals that can help to lower your blood pressure. They are also high in fiber, which is necessary for an overall healthy diet. Enjoy a baked potato as the centerpiece of your dinner. Instead of fattening and salty butter and sour cream, try adding plain yogurt or salsa for flavor.


A green leafy delight,spinach is low in calories, high in fiber, and packed with heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, folate, and magnesium — key ingredients for lowering and maintaining blood pressure levels. Need an easy way to eat more of this great green? Try mixing fresh spinach leaves into salads or adding them to sandwiches. And definitely try these Spinach Turkey Burgers. 


Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London found that patients with high blood pressure saw significant improvements in blood pressure from drinking beetroot juice. The study authors concluded that it was the nitrates in the juice that brought down the participants’ blood pressure within just 24 hours.
You can juice your own beets or simply cook and eat the whole root. Beetroot is delicious when roasted or when added to stir-fries and stews. Remember to use caution when handling beets—their deep red color will stain your hands and clothes.

5.Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are also a great source of magnesium. A quarter cup of these super seeds make a nutritious snack — but be sure to buy them unsalted, since you'll also want to minimize your sodium intake. Try my Quinoa with Yogurt, Grapes, and Toasted Seeds. 


High-fiber, low-fat, and low-sodium foods are just what you want for lowering your blood pressure, and oatmeal fits the bill. Oatmeal for your breakfast is a great way to charge up for the day.
On its own, oatmeal can be bland, but refrain from adding too much sugar. Instead, add fresh or frozen berries to sweeten it up, and maybe just a touch of honey.

7.Yogurt for Calcium

Yogurt is a good source of calcium — one 6-ounce serving provides 300 milligrams, which is almost one-third of an adult’s recommended daily intake. Calcium deficiency can be a contributor to high blood pressure. “A lot of people associate calcium with something that children need and stop consuming calcium as an adult, but the adult body still needs it,” Dean says. Yogurt is a low-sodium food that’s great straight out of the container, but you can also use it as a creamy addition to a smoothie — just mix a cup with diced portions of your favorite fruit in the blender


Bananas are a great way to add potassium to your diet. Adding foods that are rich in this mineral to your diet is better than taking supplements, and it’s easy. Slice a banana into your breakfast cereal or oatmeal, or take one to work every day for a quick, easy, and inexpensive snack.

9.Fresh Fish for Protein

Fish is a great source of lean protein, and some varieties such as trout are rich in vitamin D, which has been shown to help lower blood pressure. “People usually don’t get enough vitamin D from food, so this is one way to boost your intake,” Dean says. A fresh fish fillet needs only minimal preparation. Keep it a low-sodium food by brushing on a little olive oil, sprinkling it with cracked black pepper, and baking or grilling it for a few minutes — it’s easy and flavorful.

10. Lima Beans

As with most beans, limas are a good source of fiber and protein, but they also pack a bonus for people who want to lower blood pressure — they’re higher in potassium than some of their counterparts, making them a good choice for a diet for high blood pressure. To serve lima beans, simply boil them until tender in water, then combine them with vegetables and low-sodium broth for a hearty soup or serve cold, marinated in a zesty, low-fat vinaigrette dressing.

10 Power Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, 10 Delicious Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure .... 10 Power Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, 10 Delicious Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure .... Reviewed by JACK on 08:42:00 Rating: 5