Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Neck, Natural Treatment of Dark Neck

Best Home Remedies For Dark Neck

We know that black neck can be caused by poor hygiene, but there are also many other reasons black neck occurs. Too much sun exposure is one reason, but in most cases it is a result of diabetes or obesity. Black neck can also be inherited. Whatever the case may be, black neck is still unsightly and if you’ve got it, you’re probably going to want to treat it as soon as possible. Knowing some of the symptoms of black neck will let you know if you’re definitely experiencing a case of black neck, which you can treat easily with natural home remedies.

 1.Lemon For Dark Neck

Lemon is a common household ingredient that can do wonders for blackened skin due to its amazing bleaching property and natural citric acid. However, don’t go in the sun after using the lemon juice.
This process can be used by people of all skin types as the rose water reduces the acidic nature of the lemon to prevent irritation, but works amazingly in reducing neck darkness.
Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Rose water – 1 teaspoon
How to use
Stir together the lemon juice and rose water.
Apply this mixture on the dark neck either with your fingers or a cotton ball
Gently rub it so it gets absorbed by the skin.
Leave this for few hours or overnight.
Wash the neck with water the next morning.
Follow this process regularly for at least a month.
This mixture can be stored overnight.
Note: Try to apply overnight for best results.

2.Cucumber For Dark Neck

This is a cool way to brighten your dark neck. Th all soothing cucumber when applied on your neck, not only exfoliates the skin but also grant it a natural glow to match your facial spark.
You will need:
• Grated cucumber (its preferred but you can also use cucumber juice)
• Rose water
How to use
• Take the grated cucumber and apply it on your neck.
• Leave for about 10 minutes.
• Gently rub the neck with cucumber on it as if you are scrubbing.
• Wash off and apply some rose water.
• If using cucumber juice, just apply on neck with a cotton ball and leave for 15-20 minutes.
• Wash off and apply some rose water.

3.Oats For Dark Neck

Oats are good for overall health including treating a dark neck. It acts as a natural exfoliate that helps to remove the dead skin cells in the applied area. The darkness is usually the oil and fine grit deposits that we forget to wash, this is where the oats come in.
Here the oats will remove the dirt and dead skin cells while tomato pulp will help to lighten up the skin with its natural bleaching properties.
Oats (Coarsely ground)
Tomato pulp
Small bowl
How to use
Mix coarsely ground oats powder and tomato pulp into a paste.
Apply to the entire neck region and massage for a few minutes.
Let it sit for about 15 – 30 minutes.
Wet your finger and rub gently in a circular motion.
Continue for 5 – 7 minutes before washing and patting dry.
Make sure to moisturise after.
Repeat 2-3 times a week.

4.Bleaching with Potato Juice For Dark Neck

The bleaching agents in potato is a good home treatment for dark neck skin. There is an enzyme called catecholase in potato which helps in lightening the skin color of your neck. It also cures your blemishes if any. Here are some ways in which to use potato remedy for dark neck.
How to use
Cut round slices of a cold potato and rub them on your neck daily for 5-10 minutes. Do this for at least 2-3 months.
For faster results, add lemon juice to potato juice and apply this mixture on your neck. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with water.
You can even apply grated potato or potato juice without adding anything. Leave this on your neck for sometime before washing off.

5.Baking Soda For Dark Neck

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant that effectively helps to remove dark patchy skin that was caused due to hyper – pigmentation.
Baking soda
How to use
Mix baking soda and water into a paste.
Apply this paste on the neck and leave for 15 – 20 minutes.
When dried, wash with water.
Repeat daily until the darkness as gone, then bi-weekly to maintain a good complexion.

6.Chickpea- Another Good Scrubber for Dark Neck

The dullness of neck region can be treated excellently with the help of chick pea flour which is yet another very good scrubber for your dark neck. Make this scrub to bring glowing life to your neck skin.
You will need
• Chickpea flour – 1 tablespoon
• Turmeric- a pinch or two of it
• Water
How to use
• Take the chickpea flour.
• Mix turmeric and water to make a paste.
• Apply to your neck.
• Leave for about half an hour or till it dries up.
• Wash with lukewarm water.
If you have really dry skin, you may also add some fresh cream to this mix to moisturize your skin. While chickpea cleanses your skin, turmeric lightens it up to remove the darkness of the region.

7.Milk Cream For Dark Neck

Milk, as mentioned earlier, is a great cleanser and the cream of milk is a great moisturize. You can either use the cream alone or combine it with variety of ingredients to get most out of it.
How to use
Mix yogurt with fresh cream and gently massage your neck daily with the mixture. Wash off with warm water or a mild soap.
Rub your neck with fresh cream and then wash off with warm water.
Mix gram flour with fresh cream and rub your neck gently. This is a very good scrub to exfoliate your neck as well as to moisturize it. Wash of with warm water.
Add a pinch of turmeric to cream and rub your neck with it. Great remedy for a glowing skin around your neck and to get rid of dark neck.

Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Neck, Natural Treatment of Dark Neck Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Neck, Natural Treatment of Dark Neck Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 22:13:00 Rating: 5