Great Benefits of Chikoo (Sapodilla), 10 Benefits of Chikoo

 Benefits of Chikoo(Sapodilla)

The chikoo fruit contributes to overall health and wellness of the body because it is packed with many nutrients. Chikoo is high in calories and so, it falls in the category of fruits such as mango, banana and jack fruit. The sapodilla fruit and other parts of sapota are used in the traditional medicine to treat coughs and colds; it also possesses diuretic, antidiarrheal, antibiotic, antihyperglycemic and hypercholesteraemic effects. 

1. Good For The Eyes
Sapota contains a high amount of Vitamin A. According to research, Vitamin A helps in improving vision even during old age. Thus, in order to get or maintain good vision, you must try eating sapota fruit.

2.Chikoo Benefits For Mental Health 
Mental health wise, chikoo as a fruit helps as a sedative, say doctors. The nerves are calmed to a large effect, thanks to the sucrose contents in chiku fruit, and stress relief too is possible. These two benefits are very helpful sapota health benefits.Those suffering from anxiety, insomnia and depression should have a bowl of chikoo at least once a day.

3.Source Of Energy
Sapota is rich in glucose which provides instant energy to the body. Athletes require loads of energy and hence, are recommended to eat sapota fruit.

4.Chikoo for Hair
Owing to the nutritional content of chikoo, it contributes in maintaining healthy hair. The oil obtained from the seeds of sapota moisturizes and softens  your hair. It is excellent for curly hair and gives it sheen without leaving it greasy. It also nourishes the scalp by alleviating irritated skin conditions. It is also an effective remedy for preventing and treating hair-fall caused by seborrheic dermatitis.

5.Anti-Inflammatory Agent
The high content of tannins makes sapota or chikoo an important anti-inflammatory agent. In other words, it helps in improving the condition of the digestive tract through prevention of diseases like esophagitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis. It also reduces inflammation by reducing any swelling and pain.

6.Skin Benefits of Chikoo
 You can achieve a healthy and glowing skin by consuming this fruit. It helps in enhancing the glow of the skin, skin texture and complexion through completely natural means. The vitamin E content of sapota helps in effective moisturization of the skin resulting in a healthy and beautiful skin. The antioxidant properties of sapota also give it anti-aging benefits and help in reducing wrinkles. It helps in eliminating free radicals, which are responsible for enhancing the aging process. The milky sap obtained from the sapota plant is also useful in removing warts and fungal growth on the skin. The high vitamin A content of sapota fruit helps in maintaining and supporting good vision. The vitamin A is also helpful in improving vision in old age.

7.Healthy Bones
Additional amounts of calcium, phosphorus and iron are required by bones to increase their endurance. Being rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, sapota fruit greatly helps in enhancing and strengthening the bones.

8.Use of Chikoo during Pregnancy
 Sapota is extremely beneficial for pregnant and lactating mothers. Women should consume chikoo during pregnancy because it helps in reducing weakness and in alleviating other pregnancy associated symptoms such as nausea and dizziness.

The Vitamins A and B help in maintaining the health of the mucus lining of the body and the texture of the skin. The antioxidants, dietary fiber and nutrients found in sapota provide protection against cancer and tightly bind the carcinogens (toxins) to protect the mucus membrane of the colon. Vitamin A provides protection from lung and oral cavity cancers.

10.Remedy for Cough and Cold
 Sapota fruit has been used in alternative medicine in the treatment of congestion and chronic coughs. It helps in eliminating the phlegm and mucous from the nasal passage and respiratory tract. Hence it acts as a great remedy in alleviating colds and coughs.

Great Benefits of Chikoo (Sapodilla), 10 Benefits of Chikoo Great  Benefits of Chikoo (Sapodilla), 10 Benefits of Chikoo Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 22:19:00 Rating: 5