Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy, Top 5 Remedies To Cure Thyroid During Pregnancy

Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy is the condition of less production and secretion of thyroid hormones (t3 and t4). This imbalance in hormone secretion slows down body metabolism and cause many health problems. Thyroid can cause several serious effects like hair fall, skin problems (dry skin), weight gain, irregular periods, mood swings etc.

Especially, thyroid during pregnancy affects both baby and the mother. Instead of taking pills for thyroid during pregnancy, try these 5 effective home remedies to cure thyroid during pregnancy.

1.Have Some Marine Phytoplankton

The marine phytoplankton is one of the best foods that help you to keep your thyroid under control. This is mainly because; the nutrients and electrolytes contained in the phytoplankton help you to control your metabolic rate thereby reducing the effects of thyroid. Other sea vegetables such as kelp, hijke, arame, wakame, kombu, nori and others. You can also consume Sea weeds as they are rich in iodine content and are also good antioxidants and hence are useful in controlling the thyroid functions.

2.Coconut Oil

Take two spoons of pure coconut oil and mix it with a glass of milk. Drink it before bed time every night. This is a natural cure for thyroid during pregnancy. It helps in promoting production of thyroid hormones and regulates hormonal levels naturally. Try these excellent home remedies to cure thyroid during pregnancy.

3.Primrose Oil 

To treat thyroid naturally, have primrose oil. It helps to increase the levels of thyroid hormones and can benefit hypothyroid patients. It is rich in gamma linoleic acids (GLAs). Hence, it also fights inflammation. It also treats the symptoms of hypothyroidism such as hair loss and irregular menstruation.

4.Eggs and Carrots

Vitamin A is very useful to treating thyroid in pregnancy. Add vitamin A rich eggs and carrots in regular diet as it naturally helps for normal thyroid glands functioning. These foods control thyroid hormone imbalance acting as a natural supplement.

5.Avoid Any Kind Of Stress

When you are suffering from thyroid special you need to take special care of yourself and should make sure that you don’t indulge into any kind of activity that may exhaust you and irritate your mind. Avoid taking any kind of stress as it will only worsen your condition.
If you take too much of stress then your chances of suffering from thyroid again increase but the severity of the attacks is not that intense and you can get rid of them effectively if you try to live happily and remain cheerful all throughout the day.

Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy, Top 5 Remedies To Cure Thyroid During Pregnancy Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy, Top 5 Remedies To Cure Thyroid During Pregnancy Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 06:41:00 Rating: 5