Natural Home Remedies for Hair Growth, Top 3 Treatment of Hair Lose
Natural Home Remedies for Hair Growth

1. Egg

Egg has several ingredients that can prevent or control hair fall. It is a rich source of sulphur and ahs phosphorous, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein. All these promote hair growth.
Take the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil.
Beat to give a paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair.
Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo.
2.Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is simply perfect to fight anything related to body and hair, naturally. It is used to cleanse pores and balance your pH levels. However, people do not know that aloe vera is good to prevent hair loss. Applying natural aloe vera gel on scalp and hair is one of the best ways to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. The benefits of aloe vera can be traced back to the 75 nutrients that it contains.
Certain enzymes present in aloe vera such as proteolitic enzymes removes dead skin cells from the scalp so that the hair follicles don’t remain clogged. In addition, it is a nourishing conditioner that makes hair silky soft and smooth. Take two tablespoons of your shampoo in a bowl. Add one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, coconut milk and ½ teaspoon of wheat germ. Mix it together and shampoo your hair with it.
3. Amla or Indian gooseberry

For people suffering from hair fall, amla or the Indian gooseberry is a blessing. It is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that can reverse hair loss if it is in its initial stage.
Use either amla juice or powder and mix it with lemon juice.
Apply it on the scalp and leave it to dry.
Rinse hair using lukewarm water.
Natural Home Remedies for Hair Growth, Top 3 Treatment of Hair Lose
Reviewed by JACK