Tips For Fair Face , Face Pack Mask For Fair Face

Tips For Fair Face

Apply these easy-to-make face packs and relax as they work their magic. These are some of the oldest and most popular home made beauty tips for Fair Face that our grandmas have passed on to us!

1.Oats And Lemon Face Pack
Oats is a natural exfoliator. Oats are hypoallergenic and are suitable for those who have eczema. If you only had oats for your breakfast to become slim, you can also use it on your skin to clear it from excess oil, grime and impurities. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and has skin lightening properties. You will find that many commercial fairness creams have lemon extracts in them. Isn’t it better to use lemon juice directly than using extracts? Also give your skin a break from harsh chemicals.
Things you will need
1 tbsp. of oats – cooked and mashed (helps reduce inflammation and heals the skin).
1 tbsp. of lemon juice (lemon helps lighten the skin tone).
If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with water.
Mix the above ingredients and apply on the face by massaging into the skin.
Let it dry for 20 minutes.
Wash and pat dry.

2.Egg Yolk Face Pack
Egg yolk is best home remedy for fair skin.
Things you will need
Egg yolk
Take the yolk. Put it in a bowl and crush it into paste. Apply a spoon of honey and curd to it and mix it properly. Now you should put this mixture on your face as a face pack. Allow it to dry and then wash off with cold water. Do this daily for at least two to three months to notice results.

3.Turmeric And Tomato Face Pack
We already know about the benefits of turmeric. Did you know that lycopene present in tomatoes helps to reduce skin irritation, redness, DNA damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun? However, don’t forget applying sunscreens altogether. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects the face from the damage caused by the sun rays. It is also a great anti-ageing agent. So, stay young with a tomato diet!

Things you will need
Tomato juice
Mix turmeric with tomato juice.
Apply on your face and allow it to dry.
Wash your face with tepid water.
This is quite a popular pack among women for its simplicity and the glowing results.
Alternatively, try this even simpler remedy. You can take out the tomato pulp and massage your skin with it. Leave this on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off. This will help bring about a change in your complexion, if done every day.

4.Cucumber juice, Lemon juice and Rose water Face Pack
Things you will need
Cucumber juice
Lemon juice
Rose water 
Blend cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water together and apply on your skin for 20 minutes. Wash out with cold water. This home remedy helps to  lighten and brighten your skin tone.

5.Yogurt And Lemon
Both yogurt and lemon moisturize the skin and remove blemishes that make the face look dull. This combination will add luster to your face.
Things you will need
Fresh and unflavored yogurt
Fresh lemon juice
Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of fresh and unflavored yogurt, and mix well.
Apply and keep on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes
Then rinse off.
This will not only make your skin fairer but it will also reduce acne marks and dark spots (if any) on your skin.

Tips For Fair Face , Face Pack Mask For Fair Face Tips For Fair Face , Face Pack Mask For Fair Face Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 22:38:00 Rating: 5