How to Remove Dead Skin Cells at Home, Top 15 Dead Skin Cells Removing Ideas
How to Remove Dead Skin Cells at Home

First step to remove dead skin cells begins with steaming. Steaming makes dead skin cells, oils and dirt soft and opens our skin pores. This makes it easy for the scrub to remove the dead cells and make your face fair and clean. Steam your face for 15 minutes and then apply a good fruit facial scrub. Let it stay for 30 minutes and now wash it with warm water. This is the basic technique for getting rid of dead skin cells from the face.
2.Steaming makes it easier
Before you begin with scrubbing your hands, feet and face steaming is the compulsory process. For face take hot water and allow the steam to pass through your face. For hands and feet soaking them in warm water is the best remedy. You may have noticed that while taking a bath for a long time our hands and feet become very soft. Soft skin is very easy for cleaning and hence this step is very important.
3. Avoid long, hot showers
Although hot showering can help your body relax, it can strip away essential oils that your skin needs and leave it vulnerable to be dried out. To prevent this, you just need to shower with warm water instead of hot water, as well as limiting your showers to a reasonable length — about maximum ten minutes would be enough. The shorter and cooler your shower is, the less likely your skin would be dried out.
The same principle would be applied to bathing — cooler and shorter is better. You will also want to avoid soap-based soaks and bubble baths (except those advertised as “moisturizers”), because they can also strip away the essential natural oils of your skin.
After bathing, remember to pat (rather than scrub) your skin dry. The back-and-forth action of a towel can help to eliminate natural oils loosened by the warm water and irritate sensitive skin. This is actually one of the best things you need to know to prevent the formation of dead skin cells before learning how to remove dead skin cells from body and face.
4.Oats And Sugar Scrub
This is the first out of the most effective tips on how to remove dead skin cells from body and from face, especially face that I want to introduce in this full writing.
Both oat and sugar have a grainy texture. You will need to allow the oats soaked in water for about ten minutes and then mix soaked oats with a little sugar. Add honey to this mixture and use it to apply directly onto the surface of your facial skin. Remember not to apply it onto the skin area around your eyes. Remember that you should not rub the mixture too harsh onto your skin as it can cause skin irritation or rashes.
5.Baking soda scrub
Yes, this ingredient used in desserts can also come in handy to remove dead skin cells. Mix about quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda with rose water and rub it on your elbows and knees and even feet. Avoid using it on the face if you have very sensitive or dry skin.
6.Anti-Aging Coffee Scrub
Coffee is very high in antioxidants, making it an excellent dead skin cell removal for human skin as well as preventing wrinkles and sagging skin to a relatively good extent. Prepare some ground, coarse coffee beans and mix them with a little olive oil. Add raw sugar if needed and use it to gently rub onto your facial skin. Finally, use warm water to rinse your skin off and pat it dry.
7.Exfoliating facial masks
Use of fruits while making a home made exfoliating facial mask is very effective. The reason behind this is the hydroxyl acidic compounds that are present in the fruits in abundance. These agents act as “glue” to attach all the dead cells on the facial skin together, which can be taken off when the mask dries.
- Take a good amount of fruits such as banana, papaya, kiwi pineapple or peach and mash them in a blunder. Mix the paste with small quantities of yoghurt or honey. Apply the mixture to your skin for some 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
- Clay is also an excellent exfoliating agent and a mixture with distilled water and glycerin can work very well for oily skins or any type of skin in general.
8.Sea salt hand scrub
Since sea salt is slightly harsh, you should consider using it on areas such as hands or feet instead of the face. But you need to add oil to the scrub to mellow down the harshness. Opt for an essential oil such as lavender or you could also try extra virgin olive oil or sweet almond. Mix it together and then apply on your hands before washing it off with water.
9.Chocolate scrub
Take some cocoa powder and add rose water or lime juice (if you have oily skin) in it. Now, grind some oatmeal and add to the mixture. Add some raw sugar and honey too. Mix well but make sure the paste is semi-solid. Rub it on your face, knees, and elbows in a circular motion. If you feel it is too harsh for your face, add olive oil to the paste to balance it out.
10.Prepare a lemon scrub
Natural bleaching properties in lemon, make it one of the best natural exfoliate for cleaning the dead skin from hands and face. Mix lemon juice and rose water to gram flour and apply it to your hands, face and feet. Take a brush and slowly rub it on your skin. This gentle rubbing will eliminate the dead skin cells, oils and other impurities giving you fresh and flawless skin.
11.Rice-Curd-Rose Oil Scrub
This is a creamy scrub for moisturizing that can help on how to remove dead skin cells gently and soften your skin noticeably. This scrub can also help to remove tan and prevent cell damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals. It would be great for sensitive and dry skin. Grind rice to make it less coarse if needed, then add rice to curd or dahi and mix with 2 drops of rose oil. Use this mixture to apply onto your face and let your skin dry before using water to rinse it off with water. This is also a great tip on how to get rid of dead skin cells on face people should make use for good!
12.Aloe vera skin masks
Aloe vera gel is a good source of anti-oxidants, moisture and skin cleansing agents that clear the skin impurities making it clean. Aloe gel is anti-septic and contains enzymes which is widely used in acne removing creams and facial scrubs. Wash your hands and feet with warm water and then follow these steps. Take the gel of aloe in a bowl and add lemon drops to it. Now take a toothbrush, dip it in this gel and slowly rub it to your wet skin. This will make your skin soft and glowing.
13. Pomegranate (Anar)Lip Scrub
If your lips look overly chapped or dark, then one reason can be that you have not exfoliated dead skin cells from it regularly. Get back the natural pink of your own lips with a natural scrub made from pomegranate seeds. You just need to crush a few seeds and then mix them in a small amount of milk cream or malai. Next, apply this mixture onto your lips, rub gently. Also, mix finely crushed pomegranate seeds with olive oil and sugar for getting extra beauty benefits. After that, wash your lips with tepid water and then pat dry.
This is also among the best ways and tips on how to remove dead skin cells from body and from face that people should learn and apply at home.
14.Exfoliating facial scrubs
A very easy and inexpensive way of making a homemade exfoliating facial scrub is to mix organic white sugar with virgin organic olive oil and to create a thick paste out of it, which can be readily applied.
Baking soda mixed with water also works as an excellent exfoliating agent who can be applied directly to the areas which need them.
Used coffee seeds when grounded and mixed with olive oil, is another good exfoliating scrub that can be made at home and can be applied once or twice a week.
15.Honey and oats treatment
Honey and oat mixture can be used to remove dead and dry skin from face and feet. Mix oats to honey and add water to thin the paste. Use this paste for skin and allow it to dry. After drying, rinse it off with water.
How to Remove Dead Skin Cells at Home, Top 15 Dead Skin Cells Removing Ideas
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni