Benefits of oil Massage on Foot, Feet Massage Benefits
Oil Massage on Feet

We all know that a short foot massage every now and then can really help us relax, particularly after a long day of standing up and walking around, when our feet tend to swell up. Sure, everyone enjoys it, but does it really have any benefits other than making us feel a bit more relaxed and relieving some of the pain?
There are a several different massage techniques that all promise certain health benefits. Traditional therapeutic techniques focus on relaxing the muscles and joints; acupressure seeks to improve general health and energy flow by acting upon specific pressure points; aromatherapy uses scented oils and relaxing music to add an additional element of relaxation by acting upon multiple senses; and reflexology seeks to improve internal organ function by massaging specific areas of the foot.
There are many claims, some fairly outrageous, about what a simple massage can do for you, but there is very little evidence to support them. We will take a look at some of the benefits of foot massage that are supported by actual scientific research – benefits that are either immediate or can be seen and felt after a couple of weeks, even with as little as two to three sessions per week.
1. It’s good for your s#x life
All it takes is some massage oil, a few scented candles and light music to set the perfect mood for a night of passionate lovemaking. A foot massage is a selfless gift to your significant other, it helps them forget about minor annoyances they’ve had to deal with throughout the day and it is a great form of foreplay.
The feet are a great starting point since they can cause mild arousal and offer easy transition to more powerful erogenous zones like the back of the knees and inner thighs.
2.Foot Massage Promotes Mental Health and Wellness
A daily foot massage can help keep the psychological aspects of your health in balance.
According to a 1999 study performed by a team of researchers from the University of Hertfordshire and published in the Intensive and Critical Care Nursing journal, a five-minute foot massage served to bring about relaxation to critical care patients, helping to reduce their stress levels and measurably reducing blood pressure and heart rate.4
A 2010 study published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing showed that massage of the soft tissues of the hands or feet brought about emotional comfort when performed on a sample of people grieving the death of a loved one.5
Further research conducted in 2013 by Australian researchers from Griffith University found that participants with a high-stress, demanding job felt reduced anxiety levels and improvement in mood following a 10-minute foot massage.
3.Improves circulation
Due to a mostly sedentary lifestyle we have become unaccustomed to using our muscles on a regular basis. The muscles in the feet get hardly any exercise and circulation is often impaired by tight and uncomfortable shoes. A 10–20 minute massage session before going to bed can greatly improve circulation in the lower extremities, which is particularly important for people suffering from diabetes.
4.Reduces effects of edema in pregnant women
Edema, that is, swelling due to fluid retention in the feet and ankles, is very common in pregnant women, mostly in the last trimester. This condition can be combated by massaging the feet on a daily basis, coupled with plenty of rest and the right diet.
As you can see, foot massage is a lot more beneficial to both physical and mental health than most people realize. Although professional massages can sometimes be a bit costly, there are plenty of resources available online that can help you learn a thing or two about the different styles of foot massage. It only takes some 10–20 minutes a few times a week, so you and your significant other can reap the tremendous benefits of foot massage without a lot of work
5.Helps prevent foot and ankle injuries
Massaging the feet can help with joint pain and aid recovery after an injury, as well as reduce muscle soreness. However, when massage is combined with foot and ankle strengthening exercises and stretching it can prevent future injuries, as well as speed up recovery of existing injuries. A short session three to five times a week will ensure that you minimize the risk of injury. We all have our moments of clumsiness, but a strengthened and flexible ankle and foot ensures that we can avoid unpleasant injuries.
6. Foot Massage for Relief of PMS symptoms
Many women across the world suffer from intolerable PMS symptoms each month, including bloating, mood changes and cramping.
According to a 1993 study published in the Obstetrics and Gynecology journal, researchers from the California Graduate Institute’s Division of Behavioral Medicine found that women who underwent reflexology—including foot massage—reported reduced PMS symptoms as compared with the placebo group.
7.Lowers blood pressure
High blood pressure has become fairly common in modern men and women. It can be caused by a number of things such as stress and an unhealthy diet, but in most cases it has no particular cause and is believed to be a result of environmental factors and genetics. A study conducted on healthcare staff working with elderly people suffering from dementia – a job that is highly stressful and both physically and mentally taxing – showed that a 10-minute foot massage session up to three times a week resulted in improved mood, less anxiety and lower blood pressure.
Benefits of oil Massage on Foot, Feet Massage Benefits
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni