Health Secrets of Senna Leaves

Health Secrets of Senna Leaves
This wonderful herb can be really beneficial for the skin. Exposure to radiation, environmental pollutants and harsh chemicals adversely affect our skin health, leading to several skin ailments. Natural herbs are an effective and inexpensive way to get a glowing skin and keep skin problems at bay. Some of the ways in which senna can benefit your skin are as follows.

1. Hemorrhoids
Senna has been found to be effective in the treatment of anal lacerations and hemorrhoids as it helps reduce swelling and facilitates quick healing. Moreover, since it promotes soft stools, it helps cause easy defecation in pathological conditions like anal fissure. This is due to the fact that after oral ingestion, the compounds in senna get absorbed into the intestinal tract, resulting in the separation of non-sugar parts in the colon. These non-sugar components increase the peristaltic movements by irritating and stimulating the intestinal tract. In this way, it speeds up the passage of stools through the intestinal tract.

2.Treatment of Skin Conditions
The essential oils, resin and tannin in senna, can alleviate skin inflammation. Senna is used in Ayurvedic medicine for this purpose. It is made into a paste, which can be used as a compress to heal ringworms, wounds, and burns.

3. Great Colon Cleanser
Senna has been regarded as a “cleansing herb” due to its laxative effects. Senna leaf is used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear away the heat accumulated in the large intestine, helping the body get rid of the stagnant food accumulated in the stomach. Today, it is widely used in cleansing the colon before colonoscopy and other types of colon surgery.

4.Senna for Strong Hair
Senna can be applied topically to get smooth, shiny, and strong hair. You can prepare a hair pack by mixing senna powder with water and yoghurt. You can add other ingredients like citrus juice, essential oils herbal teas, spices etc for greater effect. Apply it on your hair, taking small sections at a time. Allow the paste to penetrate into the scalp. Cover your head with a plastic bag and allow it to dry. Rinse off after a few hours

5.Senna Tea
Many people like to take herbal preparations in the form of a tea. Senna tea comes in teabags and can be found in health food stores, but some people like to use the loose leaves of Senna and brew the tea themselves. Steep the leaves in a pot of boiling water for approximately ten minutes. The leaves can also be put in cold water and steeped for 10 to 12 hours. Using cold water to steep the leaves will leave less resin in the tea, so the chances of abdominal cramping will be reduced. Regardless of the method used, once the tea is ready, strain and drink. When relieving constipation with Senna tea, it will take up to 12 hours to get relief. It is recommended to take before bedtime, so that relief can occur in the morning.

6.Great Conditioner
Senna can be used as a conditioner to impart shine besides strengthening and thickening your hair. It is a great option to minimize the adverse impacts of chemical treatments. Initially, your hair might feel rough and dry but the benefits will appear after a few days.

7.Weight Loss
This benefit of senna is also attributed to its powerful laxative effect. Senna tea is particularly beneficial in this regard. Firstly it helps relieve occasional constipation which often occurs in low fiber weight loss diets. Secondly, being a low calorie, flavorful solution, it helps to boost your fluid intake. Drinking more fluids causes you to eat less. Thirdly, it aids in the elimination of toxins and undigested food in the large intestine. This cleansing and detoxification supports proper nutrient absorption and optimal metabolism, resulting in weight loss.

Health Secrets of Senna Leaves Health Secrets of Senna Leaves Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 21:09:00 Rating: 5