Home Remedies for xerophthalmia, Xerophthalmia -Treatment,Stages,Symptoms,Causes
Home Remedies for xerophthalmia

What is Xerophthalmia?
Xerophthalmia is a medical condition in which the eye film is reduced and the eye is incapable of producing tears. This appears when there is something wrong with the lacrimal glands and their main function, meaning to produce tears, is affected. Xerophthalmia is also known as the dry eye syndrome or conjunctivitis arida and it can affect the quality of life to an extensive level.
The tears are very important to the health of our eyes, because they actually keep it lubricated. Without the eye film, we would never be protected against particles and debris coming from the outside. This is why having a healthy tear film also guarantees healthy eyes, meaning a good vision as well. Patients who are diagnosed with xerophthalmia suffer from vision problems and other upsetting symptoms, requiring specialized medical attention and treatment.
1.Symptoms of xerophthalmia
dryness, burning eyes
itching of the eye
tired eyes
redness and pain
blurred vision at times
pressure behind the eye
feeling like you have something in your eye, like a grain of sand
One strange symptom of dry eyes are tears on the edges of the eye.
This occurs in response to the damage and scratched surface of the eye, but unfortunately these tears do not have the oily component which is required for the eye to retain its moisture.
For this reason, you may have watery eyes that still have the feeling of dryness.
Given that blinking lubricates the eyes, the symptoms of dry eye may be exacerbated by activities where there is not a lot of blinking, for example, reading, using a computer, watching television or driving.
Symptoms can also worsen in windy, dry conditions and close to cigarette smoke, and they improve when it rains, when it is cold and foggy or when showering.
All this of course happens due to different levels of humidity.
2.Stages of xerophthalmia
Depending on the symptoms exhibited by the patient, xerophthalmia has the following stages:
According to the primary symptoms:
- X1A – conjunctival dryness and loss of ability to renew tear film
- X1B – appearance of Bitot’s spots
- X2 – corneal xerosis (accompanied by hazy cornea)
- X3A – corneal ulceration (loss of substance)
- X3B – keratomalacia (the cornea softens to the point where the eye ball is deformed or destroyed)
- According to the secondary symptoms:
- XN – night blindness (accompanied by the functional impairment of the retina)
- XF – lesions of the vessels
- XS – corneal scarring
- XB – Bitot’s spots and conjunctival xerosis.
3.Causes of xerophthalmia
These are the most common causes that lead to the appearance of xerophthalmia:
- Vitamin A deficiency (primary cause)
- Aging
- Poor closure of the eyelids
- Previous injuries or traumas (accompanied by scarring)
- Autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, lupus)
- Radiotherapy (often transient but cases of permanent damage have been reported)
- Medication (medication for nasal congestion, sedatives, medication against allergies, such as anti-histamines)
- Chemical burns
4.Treatment of xerophthalmia
At present, unfortunately, there is no cure that after one use can solve the problem of dry eyes, but there are several treatments that can alleviate the symptoms if you do them regularly:
Eating fish is recommended because the fish oil is a natural remedy for dry eyes.
If for some reason you do not eat fish, then take omega 3 capsules because there is evidence that they help in preventing as well as treating dry eye syndrome
Artificial tears can be bought at any drugstore, and they may help temporarily (for several hours). There are many types of artificial tears with different combinations.
Woman using eye drops, close-up
Woman using eye drops, close-up
If one type does not help, do not hesitate to try it differently. One of the best brands of artificial tears and other types of eye drops is Visine.
Antibiotic and steroid drops are sometimes prescribed to treat the infection and the consequences of dry eye disease (damage and redness on the surface of the eye)
Clogging the tear duct is performed in hospitals and clinics- and can help some patients to address the problem of dry eye.
At the lower edge of our eye, there is a small channel that drains the excess of tears into the nose. The doctor can clog this channel using punctal plug.
If it turns out that this method helps, the doctor may permanently clog the channel in a short procedure, using a hot wire under local anesthesia.
Home air refreshers, as well as avoiding dry environment, dust and smoke
Dry eyes can also occur as a result of chronic inflammation of the eyelid or allergic conjunctivitis.
If the cause of dry eye is allergic conjunctivitis, it is important to track which foods cause a reaction, and eventually avoid that food from use.
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Home Remedies for xerophthalmia, Xerophthalmia -Treatment,Stages,Symptoms,Causes
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni