Natural Treatment of Pneumonia at Home, 7 Best Herbal Remedies For Pneumonia
Home Remedies For Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a respiratory condition characterized by inflammation in the lungs due to a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The body usually prevents these organisms from infecting your lungs but, at times, they may succeed in overpowering your immune system even if you are generally in good health.
In most cases, it occurs as a mild condition and clears up in two to three weeks. However, it can become very serious and may even prove fatal.
It is particularly dangerous for infants, young children, adults age 65 or older, and people who have a weakened immune system or underlying health problems.
symptoms of pneumonia
The most common symptoms of pneumonia include cough, fever, shaking chills, and shortness of breath. It can also cause other symptoms, such as a headache, loss of appetite, fatigue, sweating, nausea and vomiting, muscle pain, and chest pain when breathing deeply or coughing. Older adults with pneumonia may also experience confusion or delirium.
The proper treatment for this condition usually depends on the type of pneumonia you have and the severity of symptoms.
It is particularly important to see a doctor if you are having difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent fever (102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher) or persistent cough. If other symptoms are not severe, you can try some home remedies as an adjunct to the main course of treatment.
Here are the top 7 home remedies for pneumonia.
1.Vegetable Juice

Fresh carrot juice, spinach juice, beet juice, cucumber juice, and other vegetable juices are excellent for your health, especially when dealing with pneumonia. They boost immunity, dissolve mucus, and aid in detoxification. Being rich in phosphorus and chlorine, parsnip juice, too, is highly beneficial for your lungs and bronchial system.
How to Use
Combine spinach juice and carrot juice in a ratio of 2:3 to make one-half liter of juice. Drink it daily.
Alternatively, combine one part beet juice, one part cucumber juice and three parts carrot juice. Drink it daily.
You can also drink 250 ml or one cup of parsnip juice daily. Use the juice of cultivated rather than wild parsnips for this purpose.
2. Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Oils

Tea tree and eucalyptus oils are antibacterial. They will help kill the germs that cause pneumonia. Eucalyptus oil also relieves congestion by breaking up mucus in the lungs.
How to Use
Boil water and stir in 5 drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil.
Pour the water into a bowl.
Drape a towel over your head, lean over the bowl, and inhale the steam.
Do this until Stopped getting oil fragrance.
Now blow nose gently to clear the mucus which causes the problem.
Repeat 3 times a day.
You can use other essential oils like lavender, lemon or camphor essential oil in the place of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil.

Garlic has antimicrobial properties that fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also helps bring down the body temperature and increases expectoration to clear phlegm out of the chest and lungs.
How to Use
Mix one cup of milk in four cups of water and add one-half teaspoon of crushed garlic to it. Boil the solution until it reduces to one-fourth of the original amount. Drink it three times a day.
Another way to use garlic is to marinate crushed garlic cloves in a mixture of equal amounts of fresh lemon juice and honey. Take two to three teaspoons of this, three or four times a day.
You can also rub a garlic paste or garlic juice on your chest.
If you do no like the strong taste and smell of garlic, you can drink ginger tea for relief.

Astragalus or Huang qi strengthens the immune system and relieves inflammation in the lungs. Use it to season your cooking or follow the methods below. Consult a doctor before use.
How to Use
Add 1 cup of dried shredded astragalus root and 1 liter of water to a soup pot.
Let soak overnight.
In the morning, heat and let simmer 30 minutes.
Pour this mixture in a container with ¼ cup alcohol or cloves and cinnamon to preserve it.
Take 1-2 tablespoons a day to cure pneumonia.
5.Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek has mucolytic properties, that is, it helps break up congestion. Furthermore, it induces sweating which reduces fever and helps remove toxins from the body.
How to Use
Make fenugreek tea by boiling one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 500 ml or about two cups of water. Strain and drink four cups of fenugreek tea a day. To improve its taste, you can add a little lemon juice. Reduce the amount you drink as you feel better.
Prepare an herbal tea by steeping one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, one teaspoon of ginger, one crushed garlic clove, and a pinch of cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water for about five minutes. Strain it and squeeze the juice from half a lemon into it. You can also add a little honey. Drink this tea a few times throughout the day.

Goldenseal strengthens the immune system, clears up mucus and congestion, and soothes irritated throat muscles. If you are pregnant, or if you’ve suffered from diabetes, heart disease, or stroke, consult a doctor before using this treatment.
How to Use
Boil 2 cups of water.
Stir in 2 teaspoons of dried goldenseal root.
Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and let it cool for room temperature.
Drink 3 times a day.

Like fenugreek, this medicinal herb also works as a mucolytic to expel mucus from the body, particularly from the respiratory tract. Plus, it has antiviral and antibacterial properties that assist in fighting infection.
Mix turmeric powder in warm mustard oil to make a paste. Rub it on your chest.
Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric powder, two or three times a day.
Mix one-half teaspoon of turmeric and one-quarter teaspoon of black pepper powder in a glass of warm water. Drink it once a day.
Natural Treatment of Pneumonia at Home, 7 Best Herbal Remedies For Pneumonia
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni