Black eyed Beans 5 Health benefits ,How to Lose Weight by Eating Black-Eyed Peas

Top 5 Health Benefits of Black eyed Beans

1.High in fiber
Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive process and decreasing constipation. It’s also helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and getting an adequate amount of fiber helps you maintain a healthy weight.
Black-eyed peas have a good amount of dietary fiber, a cup of black-eyed peas provides you with 8 grams of fiber, which is nearly 22 percent of the recommended daily amount.

2.High in iron
Getting adequate iron in your diet prevents anemia, which produces fatigue and weakness. Iron carries oxygen throughout your body to your organs, cells and muscles, and if the supply is low you experience sluggishness.
Half up canned black-eyed peas contain 1.2mg of iron, while half cup dry cooked black-eyed peas can give you 2.2mg of iron.

3.Rich in Zinc
Zinc is good for your eyes and can help reduce your risk for macular degeneration and protect against night blindness. It’s also a major immune system booster and can help fight influenza and heal wounds.
You can find more than 3 milligrams in 1 cup of black-eyed peas, add this super food into your plate to get this essential mineral.

4.High in protein
Protein is important because it supports most of the parts of your body, including muscles, skin, hair and nails. In addition, protein helps cells grow and repair and provides energy to your body.
A 1/2 cup of dry and cooked black-eyed peas contains 6.7 g of protein, and a 1/2 cup of canned black-eyed peas contains 5.7 g.

5.A good source of manganese
Manganese is an antioxidant with one important function: It protects mitochondria, the structures inside cells that produce energy. One cup of black-eyed peas provides 40 percent of the daily intake for men and 52 percent for women.
Black eyed Beans 5 Health benefits ,How to Lose Weight by Eating Black-Eyed Peas Black eyed Beans 5 Health benefits ,How to Lose Weight by Eating Black-Eyed Peas Reviewed by JACK on 03:33:00 Rating: 5