Coriander Face Mask for Blackheads, Coriander and Turmeric face mask for Blackheads...........

Coriander and Turmeric face mask for Blackheads

  • Did you ever wonder how can an ingredient that makes your dishes delicious can nourish your skin and make it supple? Coriander face mask is naturally packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. These renowned agents thwart free radicals that are affecting cell membrane and fades dark spots giving you a spot less skin.
  • Coriander also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley (kothmir in Hindi) has been incorporated in many cosmetic products. Check out the ingredients list of your pricey creams and you’ll be surprised to see coriander extracts. Ancient medicines are taking over modern cosmetic cream that is what I think. But, unfortunately they use refined form of natural ingredients.
  • To reap all nutrients blended in coriander for face, you must set your hands to work on preparing homemade face mask. Before sharing coriander face mask recipe let’s peep into nutritional profile of cilantro.
Why Coriander Face Mask is Effective?
  1. Exaggerating benefits of antioxidants by media is slowly catching the reality. Research now claims that antioxidants can treat acne lesions. Luckily coriander is packed with antioxidants.
  2. Recent research claims that inflammation is the main reason behind pimples. Anti-inflammatory agents in this face pack will soothe and reduce blemishes.
  3. Bacteria has vital role in most skin disorders. Antibacterial properties in this herb will restrain bacterial infection and prevent chronic skin diseases.
  4. Abundant free radicals damage your skin resulting in wrinkles, dark spots, dryness and inflammation. Vitamin C provides a protective layer over the skin, guarding it from free radicals.
  5. Iron, water and other assorted nutrients residing in coriander can treat pimples, blackheads and fade wrinkles.
  6. Regular use will show positive results.

Coriander Face Mask Recipe
  • Things you’ll need:
  • Coriander juice
  • Turmeric powder
  • Blend fresh coriander leaves and extracts its juice. Mix pinch of turmeric powder and apply it over prewashed face. Leave it to dry and then rinse it off.

Note: Excess turmeric powder may leave stains on your face.
Coriander Face Mask for Blackheads, Coriander and Turmeric face mask for Blackheads...........  Coriander Face Mask for Blackheads, Coriander and Turmeric face mask for Blackheads........... Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 21:15:00 Rating: 5