3 Best Home Remedies For White Hair

3 Best Home Remedies For White Hair

Do you have white hair? It is a great thing to have full crop of hair but if you have grey hair then it is quite embarrassing. White hair which is also known as grey hair is not considered desirable by the society.
If you have white hair, people will call you old and will crack jokes on you. You do not want that, right? There are many hair dyes and other techniques of getting jet black hair but they cost a fortune.

Looking young has become an expensive affair these days. Having grey/white hair can be an embarrassment. If you are going out with your wife and her hair is jet black and yours is white, people will make fun of her. Your wife may be proud of having you but you should think about yourself too. Do you want to come across as someone who is really old? We would assume that the answer is a big no!
However, you can treat white hair by following some simple and inexpensive ways. How about trying some effective home remedies for white hair? Home remedies are excellent and do not have any side effects. You can look young, vibrant and desirable again by following some of the simple home remedies. They will not cost you a bomb and will make you feel good about yourself. Why don’t you take a look at the best home remedies that we have jotted down for you? Read on to find out!

1.Lemon Juice And Gooseberry 
For White Hair

Gooseberry is a really famous fruit in India which treats almost every ailment in this world. If you want to fight obesity, stomach problems skin infection, hair problems, etc. then you should definitely go for Indian gooseberry.Gooseberry is known as ‘amla’ in Hindi and you can easily find it in a vegetable shop or in the form of juices and pickles. You would need to buy powdered gooseberries for treating white hair. Mix powdered gooseberry with lemon juice and apply it on your hair. Apply it on your scalp as well. Massaging the scalp with this mixture will make your hair black in few days. Do this on a daily basis for best results.

2.Onion Paste
 For White Hair
Onion may burn your eyes but you can use the paste to treat white hair. All you would need to do rub it on your scalp and let it dry some. Your grey/white hair will turn black in few days. However use this remedy on a daily basis to get desired results.If you do it once in a week, you will see no progress. Make sure that you do it everyday! You would need to peel off the onion skin and grind the onions. Apply the paste on your scalp and let it be for a while. Wash it off after 30 minutes or so. You can shampoo your hair too because onion leaves an unpleasant smell.

3.Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice
 For White Hair
White hair is irritating and unpleasant. If you want to get rid of it and turn it into black then massage and oil your hair with a mix of lemon juice and coconut oil. This is an effective home remedy and it works wonders! You should do this each and every day to get desired results. This will surely treat your white hair problem and will also make your hair healthy and beautiful.
3 Best Home Remedies For White Hair 3 Best Home Remedies For White Hair Reviewed by JACK on 06:35:00 Rating: 5