Natural home remedies for long hair growth, 8 Home remedies for long hair growth

Natural Home Remedies for long Hair Growth
Every lady has a desire to have long and beautiful hair. The proper growth of hair is another important consideration which every individual must think about. These days’ people do suffer from a variety of hair health issues. Hair fall is quite common and very slow or no growth of hair can be another problem as well. But this should be treated with some natural remedies. Don’t go to the chemicals and cosmetics that are available in the market with the manufacturing companies. Rather, it is always better to go for the natural remedies with herbs and nature’s creation. You can easily get them right at home.
If your urge is to appear yourself with long and flowing hair, then you need to nurture your hair in a perfect way. Starting from your eating habits to the external care mirrors your hair health. Here are tips and remedies to get a long and strong hair.

1.Mustard powder hair pack for quick hair growth

  • Add one tablespoon of mustard powder with two tablespoons of olive oil, one egg and a few drops of water. 
  • Mix them well and apply to your hair completely, especially concentrating on the scalp. Keep a shower cap and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. 
  • Later wash your hair with mild shampoo. The ingredient mustard improves the blood circulation; thereby it helps in the promotion of hair growth.

2.Castor oil to prevent hair fall

  • Castor oil is a bright choice to promote the hair growth. Apply the castor oil for a whole night and rinse it off in the next day morning. 
  • Alternatively, massage your scalp with the mixture formed from the addition of castor oil with almond oil. 
  • This treatment helps to ward off the hair loss and fights with the problems like thin hair, mild hairline and bald spots.

3.Fenugreek seeds to get soft hair

  • To increase the hair volume, the hair fall count must have come down. 
  • Lower your hair falls with the fenu greek seeds. Take two or three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak those in water for a whole night, next day morning crush them to make a fine paste. 
  • Apply this paste over your scalp and hair. Let it sit for 30 to 40 minutes and then rinse off thoroughly with a mild shampoo. 
  • Following this remedy for twice a week for continuous months help to get back from hair fall problem, in addition to that it also provides the shiny and soft hair.

4.How to increase your hair volume with Vitamins

  • The external applications and massages limit for specific kind of hair heads, but for a few people, apart from the external polish internal feeding is very important. 
  • Make sure that your palate is a combination of various vitamins and minerals that provides the hair growth. Vitamins help our hair to speed up their growth.
  • Include your diet with high amounts of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, cereals, carrots and yogurt. Keep the fats and oils at bay which damage your hair health. When the lost its health, it will be more prone to hair problems. 
  • Diet management looks simple, but being with a dedicated mind and can help to quench the results.
  • Vitamins like A, C and E bridges smooth and silky hair. Consume the folic acid pills and biotin hair growth, which helps for the hair strengthening. 
  • Before you are going to alter your diet and medication for your hair always consult your physician.

5.Deep conditioning for hair growth

  • Nourishing the hair with a proper treatment can help you to get the breaks-free and manageable hair. 
  • There are loads of remedies you can follow to nourish your hair. Go with olive oil or egg or even with honey to get the perfect nourished hair. 
  • Conditioning not just plays an important role in the hair healthy, but also benefits for the long flowing and shiny hair.

6.Coconut oil massage treatment for hair loss

  • Coconut oil has long been a wonderful natural homemade ingredient to help people staying away from a variety of hair issues. 
  • If you are having problem of low hair growth, the best way will be to massage your hair with the help of naturally obtained coconut oil. 
  • It will be better if you can heat up the oil little and massage. You must use your fingertips to apply it throughout your scalp.

7.Flipping hair to get faster hair growth

  • Some healthy activities can also help growing your hair really well. 
  • One of the techniques in this regard is flipping of hair. This is the techniques through which the blood circulation in your scalp will be increased. 
  • This will give rise to benefit of hair growth. Do this 2-3 times in a day and enjoy having hair growth. 
  • You need to hold the hair for 30 seconds and turn it back.

8.Egg mask to increase hair volume

  • The egg contains protein which is really necessary for your hair growth. 
  • Especially the egg yolk is important for your hair growth. You need to break an egg and take it in a container. 
  • Add as spoon of olive oil and half a lemon. Mix all the ingredients and apply over your hair. 
  • Let the hair dry well and then you can wash off with cold water. You can also use a mild shampoo in order to remove the uncanny smell of raw egg.
Natural home remedies for long hair growth, 8 Home remedies for long hair growth Natural home remedies for long hair growth, 8 Home remedies for long hair growth Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 08:39:00 Rating: 5