Health Benefits of Green Coffee
Health Benefits of Green Coffee

Green coffee bean contains polyphenols, including chlorogenic acids, which, like grape seed extract and green tea, have antioxidant that help the body neutralize harmful free radicals. Research has also shown that the chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean has an antihypertensive effect on rats and humans that promotes normal blood pressure .
Unlike coffee beverages, green coffee bean extract is low in caffeine and is not a stimulant. Chlorogenic acids are also destroyed when coffee beans are roasted and their benefits are not available in coffee drinks.
Chlorogenic acids support the weight loss benefits of green coffee bean in a couple different ways. First, promote balanced blood sugar by inhibiting the release of glucose within the body. Secondly, chlorogenic acids boost the metabolic output of the liver, which burns more fat. This dual mechanism works to support lean body mass by hindering the absorption of fat and weight gain.
Health Benefits of green coffee
1.Potential Weight Loss
According to a study published in March 2006 in “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” daily supplementation of an extract prepared from green coffee beans reduced body fat and body weight in mice, as well as fat composition in the liver. The effect was similar in mice supplemented with isolated chlorogenic acids and caffeine, which suggests that these are the compounds responsible for the effect. Chlorogenic acids found in green coffee can be digested and absorbed by humans, which implies a similar availability as the extract.
One of the best benefits of green coffee beans is that due to their low caffeine content, the raw form delivers almost no caffeine at all.
Caffeine may aid in weight loss and mental focus, but as you know, too much is never a good thing.
It’s important not to head to your health food store and buy any old green coffee bean extract out there.
Be sure to choose one that is raw, contains at least 400 milligrams, and be sure it states it is only pure green coffee bean extract.
You may also see green coffee bean products marketed as Svetol, which is one of the best metabolism-boosting forms.
3.Improved Cognitive Performance
The caffeine found in green coffee has a positive effect on your mood and brain activity. According to a review published in February 2008 in “Nutrition Bulletin,” several studies have confirmed that caffeine can improve reaction time, vigilance, memory, alertness, focus, fatigue resistance and other factors of cognitive performance. Reviewers found the optimal intake of green coffee to be between 38 to 400 milligrams per day, or between approximately 1/3 cup to four cups of brewed coffee.
Green coffee beans and their derived products contain multiple antioxidants, which are compounds that reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals in the body. This preventative function keeps you healthier by reducing the amount of damage and stress your cells can take. According to a study published in July 2004 in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,” chlorogenic acid antioxidants in green coffee beans could prevent the proliferation of four kinds of cancer cells, suggesting green coffee may be useful in preventing some types of cancer.
5.Reduction of High Blood Pressure
In addition to its effects on promoting weight loss, chlorogenic acids in green coffee can reduce blood pressure. According to a study published in 2006 in “Clinical and Experimental Hypertension,” patients supplemented with 140 milligrams of green coffee bean extract per day demonstrated reduced blood pressure throughout the study. No side effects were reported, which suggests that green coffee is a safe way to help reduce high blood pressure.
Health Benefits of Green Coffee
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni