All Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, Home Remedies of Alzheimer’s Disease

All  Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Stages of Alzheimer’s

No Impairment
This stage is marked by no impairment in the cognitive functioning of an individual. The damage to the brain cells has begun, but does not showcase any symptoms.

Mild Memory Loss
This stage is characterized by a very mild decline in the cognitive functioning. The damaged brain cells have begun to show effect and individuals experience symptoms of memory loss and forgetfulness. However, during this stage confirmed signs of dementia cannot be diagnosed.

Mild Cognitive
This is the stage of mild cognitive decline marked by grave changes in mood and behavior pattern so much so that family members and relatives are aware of the fact that something is not normal. In this stage, individuals stumble for finding the right word, have difficulty in performing daily activities and misplace valuable items.

Moderate Cognitive
This stage is marked by moderate cognitive decline. The doctors should conduct a careful medical examination to figure out the actual problem that is causing the symptoms. The symptoms during this stage include forgetting recent events, difficulty in performing daily tasks and activities, forgetting one own personal history and mood swings.

Early Dementia
This stage is characterized by a moderately severe cognitive decline. In stage 5, individuals would require help for their daily activities and changes in their behavior are now clearly evident to others as well. Individuals often experience gaps in their memory and are unable to remember their own contact details. In addition, they become very poor with mental arithmetic and often get confused with the kind of clothing to be worn in different seasonal changes. However, in this stage, the individuals can use the toilet all by themselves and still hold some memories about certain significant personal details.

Middle Dementia
Come this stage, and individuals enter the state of severe cognitive decline. At this stage, the disease is gradually progressing and the symptoms begin to worsen. The individuals experience severe memory loss and require even more assistance for carrying out their daily routine. They require help while visiting the toilet and even experience sleep disturbances. They have difficulty in controlling bladder movements and incontinence begins to set in. In addition, they are unable to recognize familiar faces and experience behavior and mood changes. If they leave the house without assistance, then they have fear of getting lost.

Severe Dementia
This stage is characterized by a very severe cognitive decline. In this state, the individuals experience more grave symptoms and are unable to cope with their daily activities. They are unable to communicate properly and are unable to control their movements as well. Reflexes get abnormal and they find difficulty in doing any single activity without help. For example, they are unable to sit without assistance and also face trouble in holding their head upwards.
Home Remedies of  Alzheimer’s Disease

1. Baking soda
A great home remedy, or substitute for store-bought toothpaste, is a mixture of baking soda and powdered salt. And it doesn't have the aluminum that's found in many commercial toothpastes. To make the mixture, pulverize salt in an electric coffee mill, or spread some on a cutting board and roll it with a pastry rolling pin, crushing it into a fine sand-like texture. Mix 1 part crushed salt with 2 parts baking soda; then dip a dampened toothbrush into the mixture and brush teeth. Keep the powder in an airtight container in the bathroom.

2.Lemon balm
The 16th century Swiss physician, Paracelsus, sold lemon balm to kings with the promise of inhibiting early senility. The herb continues to draw attention in modern-day laboratories for its potential to help Alzheimer’s patients. Professor Elaine Perry of the University of Newcastle tested the effect of balm on the enzyme and receptors responsible for helping the molecule acetylcholine transmit nerve signals. Although more research is necessary, lemon Balm extract stimulated the receptors successfully.

Sage was examined in the same Newcastle University study that reviewed lemon balm to help cognitive function. While balm stimulated the receptors, sage inhibited acetylcholinesterase in a similar way to the Alzheimer’s drug, Aricept.

4.Gingko Biloba
Known to support blood flow, and oxygen, to the brain, Ginkgo may promote cognition and has caught the eye of western researchers. The University of Maryland Medical Center found that Ginkgo may help Alzheimer’s patients, and a 2010 study published in BMC Geriatrics found that the herb was more effective than a placebo in reducing Alzheimer’s-related dementia [1]. A recent Chinese study found that, of 120 patients with mild cognitive impairment, the group who received Gingko biloba leaf tablets for 6 months scored significantly higher in logical memory and nonsense picture recognition tests than the control group.

5.Cat’s Claw
One look at the cat’s claw vine will bring back memories of your first cat scratch. Originally occurring in the Amazon rainforest, natives used cat’s claw to help calm redness and swelling, especially in the bones and joints. Studies of cat’s claw show that it dilates blood vessels, which might make it a helpful herb for Alzheimer’s patients, whose bloodflow is weak, resulting in less oxygen in their brain cells.

All Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, Home Remedies of Alzheimer’s Disease All Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, Home Remedies of Alzheimer’s Disease Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 08:43:00 Rating: 5