How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

1. Whole Grains
One of the most widely recommended anti-cancer dietary staples is whole grains, namely due to the high content of fiber and antioxidants. One of the more common forms of cancer is colorectal cancer, and whole grains have been directly linked to preventing the development of this cancer variety. There is a low glycemic load in whole grains and wheat, rather than things like white bread, potatoes, and other foods that increase your blood sugar rapidly.

2. Regular Exercise
Exercising regularly is a great way for your body to clean out toxins, release endorphins, boost your metabolism, and improve your immune system. All of these things are important for cancer prevention, as you need a well-oiled machine to fight off the constant barrage of carcinogens in our food, atmosphere, and personal lifestyle habits, such as smoking and drinking.

3. Garlic
The most famous active ingredient of garlic is allicin, which has been directly linked to a reduction in cancerous cells, and it appears to reduce the spread of cancerous cells, even inducing apoptosis (automatic cell death). Allicin is a powerful antioxidant substance that can help lower your chances of many types of cancers, including cancer of the esophagus, colon, and stomach.

4. Berries
Eating fruits and vegetables is a fundamental way to prevent cancer, but berries, in particular, have a high concentration of antioxidant nutrients and compounds that can prevent cancer from ever developing, such as anthocyanins, tannins, and flavonols. Some of the best berries to prevent cancer are blueberries, which are often referred to as a “superfood” – and with good reason!

5. Quit Smoking
More than 20% of cancer deaths are related to smoking in some way, so quitting is one of the first things to do if you want to prevent the onset of cancer later in life (or sooner than you think!). Cigarettes are packed with dangerous toxins and carcinogens that can greatly increase your chances of developing cancer – and not just lung cancer. More than a dozen other cancers have been linked to smoking, even those not related to the respiratory system.

6. Tomatoes
Lycopene is a powerful active ingredient inside tomatoes that has shown a great deal of antioxidant abilities. Most notably, lycopene has been linked to the prevention of prostate cancer in men, which is the most deadly cancer for men around the world. Additional research into tomatoes’ impact on other cancers is ongoing.

7. Green Tea
The catechins and epicatechins found in green tea make it a wonderful addition to your diet for many different health reasons, but in terms of cancer, green tea is an ideal preventative medicine. Those antioxidant compounds have been shown to directly reduce the size of tumors and prevent the spread of mutated cells, helping it stop cancer before it ever starts!

8. Reduce Alcohol Intake
Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system, compromise your liver, and generally promote toxicity within the body. Although some people say that one drink a day can improve overall heart health, alcohol consumption does increase the risk of throat, liver, esophagus, and mouth cancer, so beware of how much you drink!

9. Spinach
Green leafy vegetables have always been praised for their health benefits, namely due to its content of lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, and in terms of cancer, these antioxidant compounds can limit the growth of cancerous cells, and promote overall health of the body.

10. Turmeric
The active ingredient of turmeric, a popular spice, is curcumin, which has been directly linked to apoptosis of cancerous cells, namely by preventing the flow of blood and nutrients to affected areas in the body. This spice has effects in many health conditions, but is often recommended for passive prevention – so add it to some of your meals!
How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 08:58:00 Rating: 5