Best 10 Remedies to Soothe a Sore Throat

Best 10 Remedies to Soothe a Sore Throat

1. Salt Water 
This is every grandmother’s remedy to soothe a sore throat. She knows all benefits of it very well. Gargling with salt water can really help you relieve from sore throat. When your throats injured, irrespective of what causes it, it is mainly because of the cells in the mucous membranes have become inflamed and swollen. By gargling with salt water you reduce the swelling caused it draws out water to lessen the swollen cell and relieve the pain. It also helps remove the excess mucus and prevents any cough in the throat.
You will need
Warm water – 1 cup
Table salt – ½ teaspoon
Boil a cup of water and put some 1 tsp of salt in it. Mix it well. Gargle with this warm mixture. Repeat this process for about 2-3 times a day. Make sure you don’t overdo the process as it can worsen the condition. Try this method to get rid of a sore throat fast and naturally.  Thoroughly mix in salt. Gargle. Repeat this process 3 times a day as needed. Avoid doing it more than 3 times.

2. A Hot Toddy to Soothe a Sore Throat Fast
Hot toddy is also beneficial to soothe a sore throat fast and naturally. Normally a Hot Toddy helps a sore throat accompanied by cold and cough. The lemon and honey calms your throat, while the alcohol helps you sleep. It’s up to you whether you use it or not, but keep in mind that alcohol is best when you are under the weather.
You will need
Whiskey or bourbon – 2 teaspoons (Optional)
Honey – 1 tablespoon
Hot water – 1 cup
Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
To use this method, put 2 teaspoons of alcohol into a large mug. Add the honey, lemon and half cup of water into the mug. Now mix well all the ingredients well. Now, drink this mixture before going to bed daily for once, until you see some results. This is one of the best remedy to treat sore throat at home fast.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is undoubtedly helpful to treat a sore throat or a strep throat. Its high amount of acidity can eradicate bacteria quite efficiently. When combined with honey, it can soothe your throat as well as the other signs of soreness.

You will need
Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tablespoon
Honey – 1 tablespoon
Warm water – 1 cup
Mix the Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of warm water. Add a few drops of honey for additional benefits. Drink this mixture to soothe a sore throat fast. Alternatively, make a solution out of ACV and warm water. Now, gargle with this solution 2-3 times a day to get rid of a sore throat fast at home.

4. Suck on Garlic 
It doesn’t sound good, but it is an effective method to soothe a sore throat fast and naturally. Garlic is a natural remedy that can kick out your sore throat right, in its painfully swollen area. Garlic consists of allicin that helps kill the bacteria that cause strep or sore throat and the germs that cause irritation and pain in the throat.

You will need
Garlic – 1 clove
Take a clove of garlic and place in your both cheeks. Or you can chew this garlic clove crushing under your teeth, releasing Ellison to soothe your throat fast and naturally. Repeat this process once daily for best results.

5. Marshmallow Root 
Marshmallow root is beneficial to treat, soothe a sore throat fast. It’s root consists of mucilage that helps coat your throat and soothe the mucous membrane in the throat. If you are a diabetic patient, seek doctor’s advice before using Marshmallow Root, as it may lower down your blood sugar level.

You will need
Dried Marshmallow root – 1 tablespoon
Boiling water – 1 cup
To use this method, take some dried roots and put them in a bowl of boiling water. Let it steep for 15 mins and then strain the water. Now, cool down the water and add some amount of honey for additional benefits. Drink this mixture for about 2-3 times a day to soothe a sore throat fast and easily.

6. Steam 
Steam can prevent you from a sore throat. It relieves the pain and the dryness of the throat, making it easier to breathe if you are coughing too.  For this purpose, you don’t have to go to any steam room to get the treatment done, but there are several home remedies to use it.

You will need
Large bowl
Enough hot water
1 bath towel
Eucalyptus oil (optional)
Take some hot water and pour it into your bowl. Put some drops of essential oil for additional benefits. Bend over the bowl, covering your head with a bath towel and slowly inhale the steam. This will help soothe your throat as well as prevent further pain and irritation in the throat. Do this process for at least 2 times a day for better results. Alternatively, you can also take a hot shower bath for half an hour and inhale the steam of hot water. Make sure while coming out of the bathroom cover yourself properly in order to avoid getting in contact with direct air.

7. Cayenne 
Drinking lukewarm water with cayenne can actually help you get rid of a sore throat fast and naturally at home. This is another effective home remedy to get rid of a sore throat. Anyways, hot pepper over already irritated throat seems to be madness, but there is a method to use this remedy. The chemical element capsaicin in cayenne helps relieve pain and discomfort in the throat.

You will need
Cayenne Pepper – 1/2 teaspoon
Boiling water – 1 cup
Honey – 1 teaspoon
To use this method, bring some water to boil land put ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Steep it for 15 mins and then strain the water. Now, put 1 teaspoon of honey in this mixture. Drink this warm mixture 2-3 times a day to treat a sore throat fast and naturally. This is one of the great remedies to treat this method to soothe a sore throat at home.

8. Drink Licorice Root Tea
Drinking licorice root tea can naturally get rid of a sore throat and strep throat. The anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of licorice root help lessen irritation and swelling. Also helps soothe the mucous membranes in your throat.

You will need
Dry licorice root
Cinnamon chips
Chamomile flowers – 2 teaspoons
Take all the ingredients and put into boiling water for 30 mins. Let it steep for another 15 mins. Now, strain the water and put some amount of honey for additional benefits. Drink this mixture for 2-3 times a day for better results. This will help soothe and calm the irritated throat fast and naturally.

9. Get Your Rest & Fluids 
Getting enough sleep and rest is very important. With the use of other remedies, the effects of natural remedies even get better and help cure faster than obvious. Make sure you are allowing your body rest enough, and drink as much fluid as you can. Drink Water, more water, orange juice, herbal tea, and avoid the intake of caffeine and alcohol.

10. Baking Soda
Many times baking soda known as a straightforward, simple, and effective home remedy for treating a sore throat. Baking soda has antibacterial properties that help kill harmful bacteria in your throat.  The alkaline properties will help soothe minor skin irritations such as rashes and bug bites, and it will act likewise on the swollen tissues in your throat.

You will need
Warm water – 1 cup
Salt – ½ teaspoon
Baking soda – ½ teaspoon
Put some baking soda and salt in a cup of warm water. Mix it well. Now, gargle with this mixture for 2-3 times a day to treat a sore throat fast and naturally at home. This is one of the best remedies to soothe a sore throat at home fast.
Best 10 Remedies to Soothe a Sore Throat Best 10 Remedies to Soothe a Sore Throat Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 07:42:00 Rating: 5