Top 15 Home Remedies for Bug Bites
Top 15 Home Remedies for Bug Bites

2. Baking SodaMix baking soda with water and make a paste. Apply it on the bitten area. You can also add it in your lukewarm bath water.
3. Ice PackTake some ice out from the freezer and put it on the bite. This will calm down the itching.
4. ToothpasteToothpaste is a very easy and effective remedy for bug bites. All you have to do is to take some amount of toothpaste on your fingertips and apply it directly on the bitten area. You will feel instant relief.
5. OilsNatural oils, like tree tea oil and lavender oil can do wonder if applied on bug bites. Tea tree oil disinfects the infection. Lavender oil contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling and redness.
6. MouthwashSurprising! Isn’t it? It is right, though. Mouthwash works as antiseptic and prevents the area from infection. Take a cotton pad and dab it in the mouthwash. Keep it on the bitten area.
7. Preparation HApply some Preparation H on the nasty bug bite. It will help to keep the itching away and help to remove the scar.
8. MudMix mud with water and apply it directly on the bite. Let it dry naturally. Wash it off afterwards. Mud will kill the itching.
9. AspirinTake an aspirin. Crush it and mix it with water. Make a fine and thick paste. Apply it on the infected area, and cover it with a band-aid. Your itching will go away in the next morning.
10. OnionTake an onion. Cut it into half. Rub it on the sting and you will feel relieved.
11. Peppermint OilTake a few drops of peppermint oil and rub it on the bite. This will help to cool down the burning sensation, caused due to sting.
12. GarlicGarlic contains antibiotic agents. Therefore, eat garlic. It will surely help you to get relief.
13. SugarTake a piece of cloth, damp it and mash a sugar cube in it. Apply it on the bitten area. This will ease the pain and remove the swelling.
14. PotatoTake a raw potato. Cut it into half and put the juicy part on the bite. This will remove the pain and itchiness. Also, it will reduce the swelling.
15. ACV (Apple Cedar Vinegar)Take a cotton pad and dab it in ACV. Place it directly on the bite. If you do not want to hold the cotton pad, stick it with a band-aid. Within a few minutes, you will feel relief.
Top 15 Home Remedies for Bug Bites
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni