Top 9 Home Remedies For Angina

Top 9 Home Remedies For Angina

1.Choose Veggies
Avoid mutton, since it is very rich in cholesterol. Similarly, the consumption of dairy products should be reduced. If you adopt a diet with less fat and food with less cholesterol, you can reduce a lot of the minor symptoms of angina pain. Also, eat more vegetables! Green vegetables not only control angina but also help to maintain overall health.

This is the simplest home remedy for angina patients. Try to include one lemon in your food each day. You can squeeze it over salads or have it as fresh lemon water. Lemon helps you avoid the accumulation of cholesterol, thus preventing any sort of blockage in the blood vessels. It is a natural deterrent for angina and angina patients should include lemon in their daily diet whenever possible.

This is famous world wide as the best cure for all sorts of heart ailments. Taking 2-3 cloves of raw garlic in the morning goes a long way towards naturally curing angina over an extended period of time. Like the use of lemon, garlic needs to find a place in your daily diet chart to be most effective.

4.Basil Leaves
Popularly known in India as “tulsi” leaves, this remedy is very effective in many ways. It is considered one of the genuine cures for angina, not just a treatment for the symptoms. It is best to chew a few leaves of fresh basil leaves in the morning. If you do not get fresh leaves, then make a juice of basil, adding a few spoons or concentrated basil juice and warm water.

The effect of honey can not be underestimated as an herbal cure for angina. Lemon squeezed into warm water with a spoon of honey, and taken on an empty stomach, helps to clear blood vessels and reduces the accumulation of cholesterol. Moreover, it also helps to control fat content.

These are known to strengthen the heart. They help to reduce the risk of heart attack, angina pain and increase the quality of your breath.

Raw onion juice might be a little harsh to taste, but if taken in the morning, it can help to instantly bring down your cholesterol level. Then, you don’t need to worry about cholesterol or angina for the rest of the day!

8.Citrus Fruits
Apart from lemon, which is high in citrus acid, you can also eat pineapples, oranges and grapes to fight against angina on a daily basis. Vitamin C helps to control your cholesterol level as well.

Parsley has been recognized as one of the most essential home remedies for treating angina. It can be taken in the form of either dried herbs or fresh leaves. It is also advised to drink parsley tea, as it has both a pleasant taste and aroma, along with being beneficial for treating angina.
Top 9 Home Remedies For Angina Top 9 Home Remedies For Angina Reviewed by Mukesh Soni on 21:35:00 Rating: 5