Top 3 Essential Oils For Lose Weight
Top 3 Essential Oils For Lose Weight
- Sandalwood oil has a very soothing and sweet, woody fragrance that helps to:
- Relieve stress
- Rejuvenate your cells
- Suppress cravings of emotional eating
- Uplifts mood
- Keep blood circulation active
How Does It Work
Sesquiterpenes, a compound found in sandalwood essential oil, influences the limbic system that controls emotions. Sandalwood oil’s sweet and earthy fragrance relaxes the nerves and helps to curb emotion-driven eating. It is often used while practicing meditation so that the brain starts to enter into a peaceful state.
How To Use
Mix 1-2 drops of sandalwood essential oil to 5-6 drops of carrier oil (olive oil) and massage the area of unwanted fat or on the back of the neck and your heels for at least 30 minutes. Do this every day.
Use a cotton wick to soak up a few drops of the cinnamon essential oil and put it in a whiffing pendant. Smell the scent when you crave for food at odd times.
Add 8-10 drops of sandalwood essential oil to your bath. Make sure that the water is lukewarm. You will feel calmer and rejuvenated.
2. Cinnamon Essential Oil
This tree bark spice oil has a sweet aroma and helps to:
- Maintain blood glucose levels
- Prevent insulin intolerance
- Regulate glucose tolerance factor (GTF)
- Curb sugar cravings
- Improves digestion
- Promotes blood circulation
- Protect from irritable bowel syndrome
How Does It Work.
Insulin resistance is the primary cause of today’s obesity problem. Insulin resistance can lead to fat accumulation in abdomen area, high blood-glucose level, high blood cholesterol level and can also lead to infertility. The polyphenols in cinnamon bark act as an insulin sensitizer. Researchers conducted experiments on animal model and confirmed that cinnamon does help to fight obesity by improving insulin sensitivity.
How To Use
Mix 1-2 drops of cinnamon essential oil to 5-6 drops of carrier oil (olive oil) and massage the area of unwanted fat or neck and feet for at least 30 minutes. Do this every day.
Add 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil to your morning black/green tea and drink before eating breakfast.
Add 3-4 drops of cinnamon essential oil (safe to take internally) in the cake that you bake or fresh fruit juices and drink.
Use a cotton wick to soak up a few drops of the cinnamon essential oil and put it in a whiffing pendant. Smell the scent whenever you experience an untimely craving for food.
3.Lemon Essential Oil
Refreshing and rejuvenating, this oil helps in:
- Digestion
- Appetite suppression
- Boosting metabolism
- Enhancing mood
- Keeping you active
How Does It Work
Limonene, an active compound found in lemon helps in the breakdown of fat (lipolysis). Due to its refreshing aroma, lemon oil is also a mood booster that helps keep the stress away. It acts by increasing norepinephrine levels, a neurotransmitter and stress hormone that increases the oxygen levels in the brain. This leads to better blood flow allowing the muscles to function properly and also ensures better coginitive function. Lemon oil also relieves pain. When your muscles are too worked up, you may experience pain, and this may hamper your workout routine. You can use lemon oil to relax your muscles.
How To Use
Mix 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil to 5-6 drops of carrier oil (coconut or olive oil) and massage the area of unwanted fat for at least 30 minutes. Do this every day.
Use a cotton wick to soak up a few drops of the essential oil and put it in a whiffing pendant. Smell the scent to curb your cravings.
Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil to your bath to feel fresh and rejuvenated. This oil will pass through the skin pores and relax your muscles, uplift your mood and keep you more active throughout the day.
Add a drop or two in your morning black/green tea. This will act as a detoxifier and flush the toxins out of your body.
Top 3 Essential Oils For Lose Weight
Reviewed by Mukesh Soni